Is Arctic Melt About To Cross The Line?

Bill McKibben announces that “we melted the Arctic” just as Arctic ice extent is poised to go above normal.

ScreenHunter_175 May. 13 05.51

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Is Arctic Melt About To Cross The Line?

  1. blade says:

    Isn’t this about the time they suddenly have problems and lose data? Happens every year at critical junctures.

  2. DSC says:

    Obviously they will need to change the way they make their calculations

  3. David says:

    It is still mainly below normal so not a strong talking point yet. When the ice does reform it will be because the oceans are becoming desalinated due to all the ice in Greenlanad melting. I do agree it is recovering I would just wait to pop the champaine cork

  4. This also explains why they don’t want to update their “mean value” dates (currently using 1979 – 2000, a 21 year period).

    If the dates were changed to 1979 – 2010 (and covering a full 30-year cycle the scientists say we need), it’s likely that the mean would drop – and put a few more years into the average point.

    And they don’t want to admit that the ice values are normal.

  5. aztecbill says:

    1979-2010 is HALF the cycle but fully sufficient for a more “normal” average. Why does it start at 1979? We have satellite data from 1975. But 1979 is a relative peak. 1975 data is well below the 1979 peak. The first IPCC report includes satellite data from before 1979 but later issues start at the peak of 1979.

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