Just Wrap Theirs In A Pretty Pink Plastic Package

ScreenHunter_404 May. 21 07.23

Leftists believe that hunters are evil, yet most lefties are more than happy to eat meat from animals which were tortured and abused for their entire life.

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Industrial animal farming” was invented here in Northern Colorado, and the moral and physical stench is impossible to escape. Many farmers have large tracts of land, but still keep the animals penned in tight, unsanitary quarters and thus have to feed them antibiotics.

I eat very little meat, but when I do – it is always wild game or free range domestic.

Lefties love pretty pink packages, which make it possible for them to avoid the responsibility of being actual adults.

ScreenHunter_405 May. 21 07.29

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Just Wrap Theirs In A Pretty Pink Plastic Package

  1. raindog says:

    I am vegan for largely the reason you stated above, however I find that those pretty pink packages play the same role for everyone, not just lefties.

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    They’re probably OK with halal too…

  3. higley7 says:

    ‘Been reading the PETA propaganda again? I have seen a number of these meat farms, from Texas to Iowa, and the conditions are just fine. We even have a market in Iowa for used bowling balls as the farmers find that hogs love to play with them and throw them around their fields. It’s fun to see such happy hogs (bacon and ham on the hoof, yum).The conditions on most farms are good, despite propaganda to the contrary. Only an unthinking low information person would not realize that we have the USDA that actually does a pretty good job at regulating the conditions under which our food is raised.

    Furthermore, one has to understand that these domesticated species are the winners, as they have endeared themselves to us and will thus be going with us to other planets and the stars. It’s the species that have not found a way to be truly valuable to us that are the losers, as they will stay here and be wiped out by glaciations and/or random acts of asteroid violence.

  4. higley7 says:

    It is by eating meat that we were able to grow the brains we have. The one food that we digest almost entirely is meat. It’s what we are made of. Unless one is very careful to ensure the correct intake of essential amino acids and fatty acids, veganism (vegetarian) is often just a slow road to malnutrition and other health problems. Complete protein, which contains all the essential amino acids, is animal protein, and includes dairy and eggs. At least eat the latter to stay healthy.

    The progress of development in developing countries can be measured in the per capita meat consumption, with general health and longevity increasing a pace. We are omnivores and we do not encourage no want our food to be raised under substandard or cruel conditions. Raw plant material, in particular, is our least digestible food item. A good digestive tract is a terrible thing to waster, I say.

    • Sorry, this is a straw man free zone..

    • John R T says:

      I see no straw man, here.
      However, “The progress of development in developing countries can be measured” also, in cell-phone coverage, residual water treatment and educational opportunities.

      • higley7 says:

        Also, can be followed by the use of air conditioning, as working conditions are improved.

        • John R T says:

          That is a useful metric; with about fifteen years in Seattle and San Jose, CR, I forget about air conditioning.

          On the other hand, government offices should be comfortable only for the tax payers: those feeding at public expense ought be rewarded by the smiles of their employers.

  5. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Steven, Raindog is on to something. There are people out there (myself included) who are plenty conservative, but don’t have the heart for hunting or slaughtering all of their food. It is just the way things are. Just like there are people who have no qualms about it, and are not conservative at all.

    I was a vegetarian for nearly 10 years, and for another 11 I ate only seafood to the extent that I had control over the matter. I had been of less than optimal health for some of that time, and my health improved significantly after I went back to a more traditional diet. Yes, this included factory-farmed meats. No, I am not happy with those practices. But it is simply reality that I got stronger and healthier (and stayed that way) after I went back on them.

    Perhaps, one day, I will be killed by poisons from factory-farmed meat. But that doesn’t matter, because I need my strength while I am here, and any poisons are clearly taking a long time to build up to the point where they are noticeable. I am sure that my physiological need for meat at this time is not found in everyone. Having been a vegetarian or near-vegetarian for over 20 years, I can confidently state that that such a diet does work for many, just not for all.

    I eat meat not because I am happy with what is done to the animals, and certainly not because I would be prepared to do all the slaughtering myself (maybe once in a while, but not regularly). I eat meat for one simple reason: I don’t have a choice. Others may be able to go without eating meat, or without eating as much meat, and that’s fine. But it’s no longer an option for me, nor for my wife. Even if there are vegetarian alternatives that would be equivalent for me (and I’m not convinced there are), it would be too complex, and almost certainly too expensive. It just isn’t God’s Will. He has other plans for me. And I’m fine with that. Nothing, not even the welfare of innocent animals, comes before God’s Will for His children. (It took me a long time to comprehend that little truth, but eventually, I got there! 🙂 )

    Thanks for the chance to comment on this subject.


  6. Pathway says:

    If it runs, eat it.

  7. gator69 says:

    The best pork I ever had was wild pig, brought down with a bow, and served with coleslaw.

  8. John R T says:

    My children’s mother, a world-class cook, led the family to a ‘ovo-pesca-veggie’ diet – cuisine rather. I remember the last chicken she served, c.’75: “I’ve peeled my last chicken.” My son and I are omnivores; the rest, still vegetarians.

    La Nacion, San Jose, CR, highlighted TedX Joven 2013, starting with Michael T S Lindenmayer:
    http://www.nacion.com/2013-05-12/AldeaGlobal/-Un-inodoro-puede-ensenarnos-lo-necesario-para-salvar-al-mundo-.aspx Lindenmayer’s world-saving plan includes waste handling and treatment.

    La Nacion presented an un-attributed analysis of gardener and hunter, “Tipos de mentalidades / El jardinero vs. el cazador,” which ends, “Es sabio. Habla y piensa en ‘nosotros’ {vs. } Es torpe. Habla y piensa solo en sí mismo” Click on the tab two lines below ‘ANEXOS’ for the preceding patronizing and ignorant insults.

  9. Brad-DXT says:

    I love animals, they’re delicious. I’m particularly fond of moose but, there’s not any roaming around here, so I eat venison mostly. Once you are accustomed to eating free range food that is drug free, you will never eat a fast food burger again.

  10. Chewer says:

    Move up here to Alaska and sign up for the bison permit:)
    You’ll enjoy the lean, yet tasty vittles…

  11. Mike says:

    Lefties oustource all responsibility to others. Their only ambition in life is to extort and crucify those with real jobs & real businesses. As parasites do they not realize there is only so much blood they can draw before they kill the host.

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