Study: Texting And Driving Kills More Teens Annually Than Drinking And Driving Researchers: More Than 3,000 Teens Die Annually From Texting While Driving
Study: Texting And Driving Kills More Teens Annually Than Drinking And Driving « CBS New York
That is about 100 times more deaths than those from assault rifles in the US.
Ban all cell phones! And those not banned will have to be registered.
Then only criminals will have cell phones.
Alberta put a ban on using cell phones while driving….ya…that worked ..NOT…
Ban teenagers.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings. – sometimes images works wonders for people…this is your brain being radiated
If people in the US really cared about the children, they’d allow parents to install a cell-phone blocker in their teenager’s car.
There’s already a “I’m driving – can’t text back” option on some phones (kinda like an “out of office” email reply).
With bluetooth technology, a signal can be sent to any phone in the car, whenever the car is started and put in gear. This signal might be used to activate the “car in motion” reply to all incoming texts. Texts don’t get received, they don’t get answered.