Most Beautiful Day …. Ever

Today was a unique day along the Front Range of Colorado. We have a foot of fresh snow on the ground, and cold deep blue skies like January – but what was unique is that the sun is up within 25 degrees of the zenith.

ScreenHunter_249 May. 02 19.35

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Most Beautiful Day …. Ever

  1. Pathway says:

    Horsetooth looks pretty full for being in drought.

  2. Lance says:

    look at that drought

  3. It’s beautiful allright. (I didn’t even realize that was the reservoir at first–I thought I was just looking at the next dip in the trail, on the left, and shadow on the right.) The only thing missing is a Horsetooth Reservoir monster cruising down the middle of it (too far away to quite make it out, of course).

  4. Bill Chunko says:

    Rotary Park! Still a little wet for bouldering.

  5. miked1947 says:

    Luckily I missed your good fortune by three days. I left Denver a couple of days before the system came in!

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