My Climate Change Forecast

I forecast that within 24 hours, Joe Romm and Bill McKibben will blame the Oklahoma tornadoes on Senator Inhofe.

ScreenHunter_366 May. 20 18.00

18 Jun 1928 – DISASTROUS TORNADO. Sweeps Over Oklahoma. DEATH …

ScreenHunter_367 May. 20 18.03


The Capricornian   22 April 1911

ScreenHunter_371 May. 20 18.10

22 Apr 1911 – A TERRIBLE TORNADO. NEW YORK, April 13.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to My Climate Change Forecast

  1. copernicus34 says:

    its a guarantee

  2. gator69 says:

    No change in forecast there, still dumb to partly stupid with a chance of fraud.

  3. zip adee says:

    Nope. It’s the sequestration’s attack on the arctic sea ice. I have booked my cruise through the northwest passage this summer.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    I really, really hope they do not stoop so low (tasteles, and NOAA data refute AGW link to tornadoes). I cannot bear to watch the news. The death toll is at 90+ and climbing.

    A doc friend of mine was an hour away from the school, and reports that a hospital was severely damaged too. They are working on gathering medical supplies.

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