My E-Mail To Julienne Stroeve At NSIDC

Hi Julienne,

NASA’s chief scientist is warning that the Arctic will be ice-free in the next couple of years, using Mark Serreze’s verbage.

I’m curious how you would respond to that?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to My E-Mail To Julienne Stroeve At NSIDC

  1. Lance says:

    won’t matter…they will re-define what ice free means…and that could possibly be by end of week it is ice free!

  2. Glacierman says:

    I’ll bet with a condescending tone spoken from a higher plane.

  3. gator69 says:

    Her hibernation is running long this year.

  4. gator69 says:

    Next time ask her why 21st century Arctic ice is not part of any average. I ‘mean’, if the ice this century is so ‘meaningless’, why bother looking at all?

  5. Ivan says:

    I presume this is a hybrid of “verbiage” and “garbage

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