NASA : Global Warming To Freeze The US, Canada And Western Europe

ScreenHunter_04 May. 07 08.58

A Chilling Possibility – NASA Science

They used to call that global cooling, but cooling is the new warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to NASA : Global Warming To Freeze The US, Canada And Western Europe

  1. gator69 says:

    That has to be the worst sci-fi I’ve read in many years.

  2. terrence says:

    Global Warming can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, whenever it wants to, wherever it wants

  3. Glacierman says:

    Because that is exactly what is expected in a warming world – A deep freeze.

    Oh, and it is all perfectly consistent with AGW, we have models that show just that.
    Kevin T.

  4. Myron Mesecke says:

    Our usual normal hot Texas summer is just around the corner. I’m going to need lots of ice for all of my cold drinks. I better turn up my oven.

  5. KN says:

    Wasn’t the movie: “The Day After Tomorrow” about this same nonsense that warming causes cooling?

  6. Andy Oz says:

    50-100mm of Global Warming drought is inundating Perth in Western Australia by Friday.
    The May average drought rainfall expected to be exceeded by weekend.

  7. K. Simmons says:

    We seem to be inundated by JUNK-SCIENCE. It is being spewed by JUNK-SCIENTISTS. Pity these poor academics so dependent upon government funding for their livelihoods that they will publish any lie to finance a trip to the lunch wagon. Shame on them for their lack of ethics.

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