New York Times Reports Some Exciting News From Mars

ScreenHunter_62 May. 09 19.26

ScreenHunter_63 May. 09 19.26

ScreenHunter_64 May. 09 19.26

MARTIANS BUILD TWO IMMENSE CANALS IN TWO YEARS – Vast Engineering Works Accomplished in an Incredibly Short Time by Our Planetary Neighbors -Wonders of the September Sky. – View Article –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to New York Times Reports Some Exciting News From Mars

  1. Marian says:

    So it was the Martians and their large scale canal engineering project who’re really the ones responsible for AGW/CC. Their emissions haved made it to Planet Earth. 🙂

  2. tckev says:

    All the fossil fueled Martian moving equipment destroyed the civilization by filling the Mars atmosphere with over 500ppm of CO2. This pushed the Martian climate passed the tipping point and into a Martian global warming catastrophe. All too soon it was killing the great Martian population by vaporizing them in a cloud of super heated steam. Martian machines were soon reduced to nothing but red rust dust blowing in the weak thin atmosphere.
    As the once great civilization faded from history, eyes on a strange blue/green planet is watching…

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Some 6000 years ago, the canal building Martian engineers successfully escaped Mars and relocated here to earth after stupid warmist lefty Green Martians came up with a bullcrap Martian Global Warming theory and then introduced stupid Carbon Taxes but really wanting to live off the productive workers like parasites. Of course without any engineers to fix things and develop new technology, it took less than 50 years for the Green Martians left behind to run out of food, water and everything else engineers build and provide. We earthlings are the descendants of those martian engineers. Little did our Martian Engineer forebears now that there were a few stowaways on the escaping craft. Those were Green Martians and they are stuffing the place up again.

    Pest control is very important when moving to a new home.
    Signed – a Proud Martian.

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