Obama Averaging Two Drone Strikes Per Week, Since Winning The Nobel Peace Prize

Obama has already ordered more than 350 attacks

War against terrorism must end, Barack Obama says – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Averaging Two Drone Strikes Per Week, Since Winning The Nobel Peace Prize

  1. phodges says:

    Obama makes Bush look like a hippie peace freak…yet the lefties still love him.

  2. pwl says:

    Then why the frig doesn’t Obama-child-mass-murderer stop HIS drone strikes!! He is the one with the power! Just stop bombing people Obama-child-mass-murderer! It really is that simple when you’re the frigging commander-in-chief-mass-murderer.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    350 is the safe number. We’re now past the tipping point.

  4. gator69 says:

    Children can be thankful for the invention of golf, because if Skeeter had not spent 123 days on the links, there is no telling how many more innocent people he could have droned to death.


  5. gator69 says:

    Another Obama drone, set to destroy the economy…

    “Barack Obama’s close friend and major fundraiser, Penny Pritzker, who has been nominated to be the new Secretary of Commerce, didn’t include more than $80 million in income in financial disclosures she filed last week. Pritzker, who is a billionaire, supposedly “inadvertently omitted” this tiny part of her fortune. Her lawyer, Robert Rizzi, wrote the Commerce Department on May 21 that the money was not included in the May 15 filings that were reviewed by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics “because of a clerical error and through no fault of Ms. Pritzker.”


    ‘Fundraisers’ can do anything!

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