Obama Tipping Point : Even Eugene Robinson Is Outraged

Obama’s most loyal lap dog has bit him on the ass.

ScreenHunter_396 May. 21 05.30

Eugene Robinson: Obama administration mistakes news for espionage – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Tipping Point : Even Eugene Robinson Is Outraged

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    Won’t make any difference. Oblarny will simply sacrifice another of the lap dogs and lie his way out of it.

  2. The Insane Left does not heed the Washington Post, but the Huffington Post. It’s part of their blood-feud mentality.

  3. jst1 says:

    What if a journalist really was a spy?

  4. papertiger says:

    Little late with the warning there, Eugene. Course back in the day Eugene could’nt see past Obama’s skin tone.

    I’m interested though. Especially the part where he mentions a constitution absolute reading of it , without democrats parsing meanings to suit their nefarious plans.

    “Shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” – Eugene left out the first part – where it says “Congress shall… “. Jug-ears isn’t a member of congress.

    Maybe there should be a curtailment of the imperial Presidency? Because we never know what scumbag might be run for election by the foodstamp party.

  5. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Ohhhh, now O’s corrupt, over-reaching policy is unconstitutional. Not before. Now.

    Selective Constitutionality. So convenient.

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