Payback Time For Petraeus

With the White House putting all blame on the agency, expect push back this week — nuclear push back. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the former director forced to resign after a sex scandal, is a dangerous man to the Obama administration. Mad and intent on getting even, he’s already talking, telling one reporter the talking points were “useless” and he preferred not to use them at all. The floodgates will open this week, and by EOB Friday, the scandal will be full blown.

CURL: Watch out for Petraeus in Benghazi scandal – Washington Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Payback Time For Petraeus

  1. Dave G says:

    this is beautiful! been waiting for this

  2. Bruce says:

    The other person to watch is General Ham, CO AFRICOM, who resigned shortly after the events.

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    The Slime-o-crats have no honor whatsoever. They will not impeach dear leader. They may allow the slime-ing of Hillary to pave the way for another Globalist Dog to follow Obungo.

  4. margaret berger says:

    I am with you Traitor in Chief. There is no way dear leader will ever be dumped. Hillary might take the hit but even that looks remote at times. They may let her get a little beat up now so she can be rehab in time for the next election.

  5. Chewer says:

    Those floodgates may be holding back a ton of crap and when opened will direct the sewage right where it belongs:)

  6. Reality Bites says:

    You guys are living on a wing and a prayer. Not much will come of this, and you can’t compare this to Beirut which happened on Regan’s watch.

    Then again, you’re also living on the wing and a prayer thinking Obama was born in Kenya, and probably were amazed or dumbfounded that Obama won reelection in 2012 (even though that was obviously going to happen).

    Good luck with that floating castle of yours.

    • The Obama reign of terror is coming to an end soon.

    • Chewer says:

      Reality Bites is definitely an appropriate term for the upcoming events concerning the organizer in chief and his fellow travelers.
      Fundamental change has a new and ugly meaning.

    • gator69 says:

      Reagan did not blame Beirut on a video, and was not secretly running guns to Al-Qaeda. Reagan’s state department did not deny calls for increased security and did not send an ambassador into a war zone to meet with America hating terrorists. Eagan did not tell rescuers to stand down. Reagan also did not coordinate lies and create a coverup with the media to ensure his next election.

    • Duby says:

      You are a dumbass!!

  7. Robertv says:

    If they can slaughter a classroom full of kids and get away with it. I presume Petraeus has family. It is hard to fight the mafia and even harder if the mafia is your government.

  8. Bill stewart says:


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