Prince Charles Attacks Skeptics

The Prince of Wales has criticised “corporate lobbyists” and climate change sceptics for turning the earth into a “dying patient”, in his most outspoken attack yet on the world’s failure to tackle global warming, made shortly before he is to take over from the Queen at the forthcoming meeting of the Commonwealth.

Prince Charles attacks global warming sceptics | Environment |

Prince Charles also said that he wished he was a tampon.

ScreenHunter_135 May. 11 22.00

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Prince Charles Attacks Skeptics

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    I feel sorry for England. He is there next king, unless Liz outlives him.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    The king-to-be is shockingly ignorant of the facts. The planet is not warming. It hasn’t warmed in at least 17 years, despite steadily rising CO2 levels. And there is no indication it will begin warming any time soon, now that the PDO is in its negative phase, the AMO is set to turn cold within the decade, and solar activity has plummeted to its lowest levels in more than a century. If there is any CO2-induced impact on global temperatures, it is so tiny it can’t be detected, a mere background signal overwhelmed by naturally occurring climate forces.

    The prince needs to spend a little more time doing research and a little less time regurgitating discredited Warmist talking points. “Skepticism” is good. It lies at the very heart of scientific discovery.

    • Marian says:

      Unfortunately. The Royal Family have an interest in pushing the AGW/CC Agenda. Remember Prince Philip was a founding member of the WWF and isn’t Prince Charle’s the current WWF President? Their extreme Environmental views. I.E Prince Philip wanting to come back as a deadly virus to reduce the human population to save Gaia. Extremist environmental Gaia worshipping views and actual real science don’t go hand in hand. The elite consider the average humans as useless eaters, dross on the planet. Meanwhile they emit a huge carbon footprint with their lifestyles while wanting the rest of us to sacrifice our living standards to save Gaia and believe their fraud Club of Rome driven Climate Junk Science.

  3. Chewer says:

    May he be blessed with bird droppings (wet or dry) quite frequently:)

  4. Streetcred says:

    in-bred nincompoop !

  5. mwhite says:

    He also talks to plants

  6. He is 100% less use than a tampon, and not known as Prince Numpty for nothing. He is not the first imbecilic dimwit to hold the title Prince of Wales, and I doubt if he’ll be the last. The former Great Britain has had idiot kings in the past, one more won’t make much difference, if he ever gets that far.

  7. Old Charles is not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, unfortunately.

  8. Steve H says:

    Don’t worry no one here in the UK either takes him seriously or takes any notice of him at all. Even the press have stopped giving him any real copy. In fact he is in a strange way probably quite a good thing for us “deniers” as most of the young people just see him as an old fart and disregard his views as they would those of an old foolish uncle.

  9. Justa Joe says:

    The AGW crap is completely complimentary to the typical “royal” philosophy of keeping the little people in their place. It’s only natural the Prince Charles would promote it.

  10. CheshireRed says:

    Prince Charles is the most prominent of a whole raft of alarmists who’ve gone full-on mental these few weeks. (Note how he was given huge coverage in the anti-Monarchy Guardian) Lord Stern is at it again, too, claiming we’re headed for 5 degrees before the end of the century and there will be ‘hundreds of millions homeless.’ Absolute rank garbage from ‘Lord’ Stern.

    Desperate times call for desperate responses.

    They’re raising the rhetoric because they can see they’re losing the argument after 15+ years of no warming. That’s killing them. Slowly, (but unmistakeably) they’re also losing both the UK and EU governments, too. Crackpot carbon trading schemes are failing, German coal is being upgraded, CCS is still decades away but the looming energy crunch most certainly isn’t.

    Hence key personnel are leaving DECC, while new agw-sceptic people like Peter Lilley are being appointed to more influential positions. Step by step, positions are softening. Face-saving retreat has started. This process was never going to change overnight, but there is a clear re-directing of policy occurring.

    • Marian says:

      Yeah and Prince Charle’s WWF associations means the WWF ‘grey area literature propaganda crap’ is accepted as UN IPCC junk science!

  11. philjourdan says:

    Ok, I feel sorry for all the countries of the UK – but he is the next KING of England.

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