Recent Stupid Comments By James Hansen Almost Certainly Would Not Have Occurred Without Global Warming Money

Published August 6, 2012

Recent heat waves that have triggered wildfires, droughts, and heat-related deaths in the United States and around the globe “almost certainly would not have occurred” without global warming—and will become more routine in coming years, NASA climate scientist James Hansen says.

Heat Waves “Almost Certainly” Due to Global Warming

The EPA says that heat waves were much worse during the 1930s.

ScreenHunter_327 May. 19 08.31

The big question is : could a scientist as ignorant as James Hansen have headed a government agency in the past?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Recent Stupid Comments By James Hansen Almost Certainly Would Not Have Occurred Without Global Warming Money

  1. tckev says:

    <i. The big question is : could a scientist as ignorant as James Hansen have headed a government agency in the past?"
    Because the management liked his long and agile tongue.

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    The big question is : could a scientist as ignorant as James Hansen have headed a government agency in the past?

    The answer is: People as ignorant as Hansen certainly headed government agencies in the past and almost certainly will head them in the future. Ignorance almost certainly doesn’t disqualify any politically desirable applicant.

  3. grayman says:

    ALMOST only counts in Hand Grenades and Horse shoes!!!

  4. Audie says:

    Never mind the fact that the heat waves and drought were exacerbated by man in the 1930s. We dried out the land, this dried out the air, and drier air can support hotter temperatures.

    Oh wait, your blog is trying to say man cannot change or effect weather and climate and you’re using the dust bowl as an example?

    In fact, the dust bowl was probably the worst man made ecological disaster in history.

  5. Traitor In Chief says:

    Libs don’t even need to try to be nitwits. It comes to them naturally.

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