Remember – It Is Always America’s Fault

Alarmists now blame the heat and drought of the 1930s on bad US farming practices, which contributed to the Dust Bowl. The idea being that the bare soil in the Dust Bowl regions didn’t hold as much moisture as it would have otherwise, which led to lower humidity and thus higher temperatures.

Let’s test that theory out. The heat and drought covered almost the entire lower 48 states, and was centered on South Dakota and eastern Nebraska.

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Sadly for team Climate Moron, the Dust Bowl only covered a tiny percentage of the drought area, and did not include South Dakota or eastern Nebraska.

The Dust Bowl farmers were victims of climate change, not the cause of it.

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About The Dust Bowl

The real question is – is there anything which the left does not blame on America?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Remember – It Is Always America’s Fault

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    They don’t blame us for making Kenya the 57th state.

  2. tdk says:

    If one person driving an SUV in California today can cause Global Warming, then for sure, one farmer in 1930s Kansas could have caused the entire drought (which also killed millions of Kulaks in Russia no doubt).

  3. “The idea being that the bare soil in the Dust Bowl regions didn’t hold as much moisture as it would have otherwise, which led to lower humidity and thus higher temperatures”

    This must be the positive feedback we were warned about.

  4. Chewer says:

    It brings out the turrets syndrome in us all:)

  5. gator69 says:

    The Anasazi must have been really lousy farmers!

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