Revelations Of Lying, Malfeasance, Corruption And Incompetence Give Obama A Big Boost In The Polls

ScreenHunter_155 May. 12 14.51

Obama Approval Index History – Rasmussen Reports™

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Revelations Of Lying, Malfeasance, Corruption And Incompetence Give Obama A Big Boost In The Polls

  1. kbray in california says:

    These same adjectives also apply to the reason illegal immigration is so successful for the newcomers.
    Apparently “getting away with it” is now a quality to be admired, respected, and imitated.

    I call it “losing your soul” on the road to hell.

  2. No, media coverage of all those revelations give Obama a big boost in the polls — even Fox News (Geraldo Rivera thinks the Benghazi scandal does not rise to the level of Watergate because, he says, “no laws were broken” — he says all presidents, all politicians, lie, so he dismisses Obama’s insistent lying to the American people about the avowed enemy of the country, Islamic jihadists, as “they all do that”). “What difference does it make?” is echoed by everyone on the Left, and we’re talking about a Democratic base motivated by unforgiving desire for revenge, now that they are in power, with a radical leader that promises them everything (and at the expense of their “real” enemy, the Republicans, to boot).

  3. Pathway says:

    Clinging to their massiah.

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