Shock News : Men Like Weapons

ScreenHunter_40 May. 08 17.35

Leftist educators believe that they can change natural law by trying to turn little boys into little girls, and punishing them for acting out their most fundamental instincts (competition, fighting and weapons.)

ScreenHunter_41 May. 08 17.39

Boys need to be taught strength, honor, fear of God, and how to handle weapons safely. Otherwise their little leftist boys will likely grow up to be a complete piece of shit.

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The principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest, exist for a reason.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Shock News : Men Like Weapons

  1. kbray in california says:

    In earlier times, that trash would have been recycled before the next sunrise.

    These days, common instincts are being buried instead of the perpetrator.

    We’ve been pushed left into a-void.

  2. Robert Austin says:

    “fear of God”? I have never “feared God” and yet I have reached senior citizenship and without murdering anyone. Strength, honour, integrity and safe firearms handling I would agree heartily make for good citizenship.

  3. Mike says:

    Eventually, meat eating, fishing, football & all other sports will be be banned by the lefties. The only exception will be masseuse harassment. The only future difference between the West and DPRK will be Tofu.

    Natural selection, survival of the fittest, is being eroded by huge waves of group weaklings, attacking individual strength.

    The whole environmental movement is a green curtain for the weak and lazy in society. Greenfleece is their crime, parasiting the life out of thriving economies.

  4. Traitor In Chief says:

    A place far far away…. where there are no Lib scumbags….,%20US%20Virgin%20Islands.jpg

  5. gator69 says:

    Those were some aggressive deer! The one at the bottom has three arrows in him, and is about to take down the skinny dude with the high capacity bow!

  6. Heide de Klein says:

    I don’t fear god! If that imaginary freak comes anywhere near my back yard, I’ll beat it to death with my bare fists. I won’t waste one of my precious bullets on it.

  7. Judging from the comments, your philosophy here is leaking like a sieve, the commenters are falling apart over it. It is based on fear, and fear short-circuits the mind. Mind is the key — that is the common denominator, no matter all the fearful dogmas that are allowed to overlay it, and stifle it. Save the mind, root out the dogmas (including the atheist one mentioned above, that God is but an “imaginary freak” — it is to laugh, little one).

  8. methylamine says:

    Well-said Steven, pithy and precisely correct.
    I’ll not be neutering my toddler boy, and even my little girl is becoming a crack shot with her Ruger 10/22.
    Male aggression is natural and wholesome; how it’s channeled is what separates thugs from real men…gentlemen, in the fullest classical meaning of the word.

    The one bright side to the left’s eunuchification is that their goons will be less competent with weapons and more likely to turn tail and run rather than fight.
    Surprisingly, characteristics that played in freedom’s favor during the original Revolutionary War; and too, the War of Northern Aggression, though not enough.

  9. Eco-geek says:

    The principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest, exist for a reason.

    OK. Then explain Al Gore and Michael Mann and James Hansen?

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