The Difference Between Us And Them

We consider life to be sacred. Socialists make up excuses to hate and kill as many people as possible, and they have killed tens of millions of people over the last century.

Many goose eggs hatched today in Fort Collins. No climate crisis, no catastrophes – just a beautiful spring day like when I was a child.

ScreenHunter_103 May. 10 19.49

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Difference Between Us And Them

  1. Me says:

    Yep and no bleu cloud fo steam! đŸ˜†

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Nice touch Steve. The reality is that thing are much better, at least where I come from. We have cleaner water, cleaner air and cleaner beaches. Our car engines emit less than one percent of the exhaust emissions compared to the sixties. Between 1990 and 2010, despite growing populations, a record number of people have escaped hunger and poverty world wide, see:
    We really have come a long way and should be celebrating our incredible technological advances. But the Club of Rome pessimists, the environmental movement, highjacked by centralist politicians is set to disturb the party with their insane quest against our civilization.
    They must be stopped.

  3. I. Lou Minotti says:

    “Life and living” is from the good Lord above. Hard work, a little bit of smarts, and a lack of “feel sorry for me” is all it takes. (And maybe a good day fishing!)

    Idiots, all. But on a Friday night, prepping for Saturday on the lake with the bride, the boat, and enjoying all He’s given us, we can put the idiots out of mind. Some music, I say!


  4. DarrylB says:

    There was a time when I (in southern Mn) loved to see Canada Geese. Now they have become a nuisance. They eat a lot and leave droppings all over. –on my driveway on the lawn, on the beach. One time a flock landed on the dock and left about 75 gallons and permanent stains.
    Bringing home a goose was an ultimate prize when I was young. Now i can get them with a sling shot.
    However, a single strand of rope about six inches high will stop them, because they will not go over or under it.
    And, doggone it, they keep me awake all night long when they are mating.
    I never made that much noise.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    It’s funny how the libtards speak of impending climate doom with an uncanny certitude that no one can credibly muster on any other subject yet anyone can look around and notice that not a single thing about the “climate” is different than it has ever been.

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