The Roots Of Global Warming

Lefties are always hoping that a great disaster will befall their neighbors, so that everyone else will be as miserable as they are.

That is the core foundation of belief in catastrophic global warming. It has nothing to do with science.  These people are mentally ill.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to The Roots Of Global Warming

  1. Mike says:

    The infamous book burning arsonist, delights in catastrophe, the walls in the background adorned with forest fires. Makes you wonder who started those fires in the first place?

    Even after the university deleted the book burning image, the website link enourages you to buy a t-shirt that states, “The only good weather is bad weather”. In other words, the only happy climate leftie is one that indulges in the misery of others and bad stuff happening.

    Global warming addiction is a fully fledged disease.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    “both ancient philosophy and contemporary psychology point to an alternative: a counterintuitive approach that might be termed “the negative path to happiness.” This approach helps to explain some puzzles, such as the fact that citizens of more economically insecure countries often report greater happiness than citizens of wealthier ones.” – from The Power of Negative Thinking

    Warmists get their hit of serotonin when they run around yelling “the end of the world is nigh”. I don’t think they are mentally ill, just deluded and chemically wired differently from the rest of us. Illness suggests they can be cured. I don’t think there is a cure for delusion. They’d like everyone to be poor and happy like the Africans. Weird, I know.

    • gofer says:

      Dedicated leftists aren’t happy unless they are miserable or griping about how horrible people are that make money. It always boils down to hatred for corps, profit, greed and, of course, too many people on earth that are trying to prosper. Can’t have that.

  3. gofer says:

    I am going to rent a U-Haul truck and notice they are charging a environmental fee and this is what they do with it. This insanity has permeated everything.

    “While truck sharing reduces the need for additional vehicles on the road and therefore reduces carbon dioxide emissions, U-Haul is committed to pursuing practices that support and foster the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly business operations. The Customer money collected as an environmental fee is expended to reduce the negative impact of our business on future generations. Aerodynamic fuel saving truck skirts, the fuel economy gauge, storage re-use centers, environmentally friendly truck wash soap, are examples of where these funds go.”

    So the customers are paying for their “green” sucking up to the enviro-fascists, including washing their trucks with “green soap”. The fee is $5.00. This crap has to stop. Everytime we turn around we are getting stuck with more of these fees.

    • tckev says:

      And if they didn’t stuff the additional charge on you they would do none of these?
      If they wouldn’t do them, then they are tyrannically immoral in forcing you to pay for what they and you wouldn’t normally do or want.
      If they were to do them anyway why the high price? Have they got an itemized bill for the additional (and possibly unwanted) service?

  4. nzrobin says:

    Talking about self deprecation and misery, take a look at something I saw over at Bishop Hill.

    “…This video does explain what could actually be behind the whole charade:
    Please be patient with it; the dull start hides a powerful truth.”

  5. Kalifornia Kafir says:

    My years working at a university have convinced me of two things:

    (1) Environmentalism is a religion to the left. It includes sin, repentance, paying penance, showing others the error of their ways, and salvation through indoctrination
    (2) They like to find fault and problems so that they can showcase their brilliance, ingenuity, and justify their existence by “solving” those problems. If they can’t find a real problem, they’ll invent one.

  6. gofer says:

    Katherine Hayhoe expresses the guilt that they are trying to repent and absolve themselves of:

    “In our Christian faith, we know that one of our core values is to love our neighbor. Clearly we are not doing that. We are hogging the world’s resources; we are running through them at an increasing rate; we are producing all kinds of impacts on the planet that are disproportionately affecting the poor and the disadvantaged.” Tom Nelson

    She conveniently forgets the billions in AID money given and the fact that it’s squandered by dictators should be the focus. Americans are all over the world trying to help people and all Ms Hayhoe can do is whine about being prosperous. Unbelievable.

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