Time Magazine Determines That 2012 Is The Only Statistically Important Year

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US January-May temperatures have dropped almost 1C over the last fifteen years, but 2012 was the warmest January-May on record.

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So Time Magazine’s team of crack scientists have determined that 2012 is the only statistically significant year.

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2012 Was the Hottest Year in U.S. History. And Yes — It’s Climate Change | TIME.com

Forty years ago, Time Magazine’s team of crack scientists determined that we were heading into an ice age, and that all bad weather was caused by global cooling.

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Another Ice Age? – TIME

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Time Magazine Determines That 2012 Is The Only Statistically Important Year

  1. gator69 says:

    I was a Time reader from childhood, as I would grab Dad’s old issues after he was through with them. Then I got my own subscription, which I read cover to cover for many years. It was during the early days of the Iraq war that I finally had enough of their leftist propaganda, and told Time to stick it.

    Very few mags are worth my time any more. I still enjoy my Backpacker and Smithsonian, as they have steered clear (for the most part) of leftist propaganda, but Time has become Rolling Stone magazine for the tone deaf.

  2. Joseph Bastardi says:

    fact is that the warmest springs are usually followed the following year by a response the other way. But you would actually have to be rational and look at data to see that

  3. tckev says:

    Swings and roundabouts – it is after-all weather.

  4. No Substitute for Victory says:

    tckev says: Swings and roundabouts – it is after-all weather…
    You did meant whether instead of weather didn’t you?

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