Time To Stop Glorifying Weakness

There are predators out there wanting to hurt children. In May 1927, one of them blew up a school house in Michigan – killing dozens of elementary school children.

During the 1960s and 1970s, one of the BBC’s top personalities was raping five year old children. Penn State University’s football camp staff were raping children.

In December of last year, a predator got into a school in Connecticut and killed many people. The children and teachers were completely helpless and defenseless against a cowardly, scrawny teenager.

The principal called 911 and asked for the police to send people with guns to come help them out. The police took twenty minutes to get there, from two miles away in a town with no traffic.

By the time the good guys with guns got there, it was too late. Had the principal and staff been prepared to protect the children, those children would have opened their Christmas presents. Instead of building a new $60 million school, they should train and equip their staff to protect the children. It would honor the dead to make sure that it never happens again.

Gun-free zones are the idea of weak-minded fools. They are an invitation to predators. Children deserve a chance. Why are Piers Morgan and Barack Obama determined to leave (other people’s) children defenseless?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Time To Stop Glorifying Weakness

  1. gregole says:


    Well said. You are right on.

  2. Chewer says:

    I believe it’s called “TOTAL CONTROL”.

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