Understanding Democratic Party Morality

According to his Secretary of State, Bill Clinton killed 500,000 Iraqi children in order to get Saddam to give up his WMDs. She also said that killing the children was “worth it.”

As soon as Clinton left office, Democrats announced that Saddam never had any WMDs.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Understanding Democratic Party Morality

  1. gator69 says:

    I wonder how many children they have killed through their attempts to disarm us.

    • gator69 says:

      Morality is a doctrine or system of moral conduct. ‘Having morals’ simply means that you have defined ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in your world, not that what you do is virtuous.

      • philjourdan says:

        So once again, I ask – What morality?

      • gator69 says:

        Progressive morality.

      • Their morality is: Right is whatever a Democrat does and Wrong is whatever a non-Democrat does. If a Democrat gets away with it, all is well. If a non-Democrat gets away with it, it is held in reserve by the Democrats until the most favorable time to use it to eliminate the non-Democrat as a competitor. In the event the Democrat is found out about what he as done, it is history and we must move forward and stop being so partisan. Bi-partisan means do things exactly the way the Democrat wants things to be done. Compromise means exactly the same thing.

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Phil! Morals are a personal value. Muslim suicide bombers believe that they are behaving in the highest of moral standards. Progressives believe that stealing our liberties is in our best interest, and is therefor the ‘right’ thing to do. Progressives also believe that the ends justifies the means, this is a large part of their ‘morality’.

        • philjourdan says:

          But you have to be consistent. In other words, if it is ok for you, it is ok for me. Progressives do not live that way (nor do Muslim suicide bombers). Lionel said it best. What progressives call morality is merely situational ethics. it is ok as long as THEY do it, it is not ok for anyone else to do it.

      • gator69 says:


        “Progressives also believe that the ends justifies the means, this is a large part of their ‘morality’.”

        • philjourdan says:

          Gator, I understand. But THAT defies the definition of morality. It is situational ethics. If it is only good when THEY do it, then that is not a system of morals.

      • gator69 says:

        Morning Sunshine! It goes beyond situational, and beyond whether it was a leftist or anyone else. It is about achieving an agenda. If a conservative lies, to them it is simply a lie. But if a progressive lies, to ‘progress’ toward their goal, it is a laudable act.

        It is just like the Islamic terrorists. If we went into one of their mosques, and blew innocent people to bits, they would decry our savagery. But if they do the same to one of our churches, it is fulfilling the commandment of their moral leader.

        As I have said for years, progressives like all leftists, have a mental disorder. Don’t try and make sense of it, you will just hurt yourself. 😉

        • philjourdan says:

          Sunshine? 😆

          I do not think we are debating actions. Just definitions. They can call that a “morality”, but it does not conform to any definition I know of.

          Kind of like Elizabeth Warren calling herself Native American. It does not conform to any definition in existence.

      • gator69 says:

        There you go! Elizabeth Warren is a perfect example of the genetic mental disorder that afflicts all leftists. She lied in hopes of promoting herself and pushing forward her agenda. As far as I know, she has never admitted to any wrong doing.

  2. phodges says:

    That both “Democrats” and “Republicans” continue to fall for this shit over and over and over baffles my mind.

    All politicians are liars. Our government is totally corrupt, completely bought and paid for. DUH

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