What Brought Nixon Down Was The Cover-Up

As Hillary points out, the damage was done, and the Americans were dead. The price of putting an incompetent fully self-absorbed community organizer in the White House.

It was a few weeks before the election, so the White House tried to cover it up by making up one ridiculous story after another. Obama makes Nixon look like a saint.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to What Brought Nixon Down Was The Cover-Up

  1. slimething says:

    People didn’t care. A small majority is now conditioned to accept government as their daddy and will take care of them from cradle to grave.

    Personally, I think the country is doomed, and I’m not hoping it happens to my neighbor 🙂

  2. phodges says:

    Just another inside job.

    Of course they have to cover it up. It must really have gone wrong for none of the prepared narrative cover stories to even apply.

    There is no war on terror…it is a war on YOU

  3. Justa Joe says:

    Nixon was taken down by a media coup.

  4. phodges says:

    Why do you think Hillary’s hacked emails never appeared in western media…


    The money quote…

    “concerned the funding of the MBM operations and a possible link to the Ansar al Sharia attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi.”

    “This individual adds that this information provided by the French service indicates that the funding for both attacks originated with wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia. During July and August 2012, these financers provided funds to AQIM contacts in Southern Europe, who in turn passed the money into AQIM operatives in Mauritania. These funds were eventually provided to Ansar al Sharia and its allied militias in the Benghazi region in support of their attack on the US consulate. The money was used to recruit operatives and purchase ammunition and supplies.”



    “the guerrilla force included experienced fighters from Mali, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somali and Egypt.”

    A.K.A. our proxy troops funded and armed through our allies the “moderate” Arab states…The same “al qaeda” terrorists Israel is now bombing Syria in support of.

    There is no war on terror…it is just a fake as everything else your government and the media want to sell you.

  5. Hugh K says:

    Steve, I just read this story at CBS that I would otherwise never have seen had it not been linked at Drudge – Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told “you can’t go” to Benghazi during attacks — http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57583014/diplomat-u.s-special-forces-told-you-cant-go-to-benghazi-during-attacks/

    Reading the CBS interview (also between the lines) it appears the Administration has probably found some high-ranking military officer to take the fall (at SOCAFRICA?). This military officer will probably be someone that is ready to retire anyway…with a now well-padded pension. The CBS article appears to be already developing that storyline; although, I’m sure the old media does not want to show all of their cards quite yet in an effort to protect their buds in the Administration while giving a sense of ‘getting to the truth’ (appearing to be neutral). The old media will wait until given their cue by the Administration to play their hand. That will probably come after testimony that assets could have been deployed but were held up by someone (read fall guy) at SOCAFRICA.

    Politically, the Dems have more than likely already selected some individual(s) on their side of the aisle in Congress to point the finger at the pre-planned fall guy at SOCAFRICA either during or directly after the hearings. At the right time, this Dem spokesperson will be pranced out to a conveniently prearranged press conference….now that they have all of the ‘facts’. The Dem talking head will assert the ‘facts’ show Hillary’s State was doing everything they possibly could diplomatically with Libya to get our assets in there, State received permission from some unnamed Libyan diplomat but the only thing holding up deploying US assets was just this one guy at SOCAFRICA.

    This guy will publicly fall on his sword, offer his mea-culpa and never appear before the old, or more importantly, new media again to answer any tough questions. The old media will then direct all of their fake outrage on the military fall guy while publicly exonerating Obama, State and more importantly, Hillary. The Republican-led hearings will be brushed off as a witch-hunt in a follow-up by Carney. No more mention will be made about the ‘video’ storyline the Administration initially pushed right after Benghazi because the Administration has already stated they were waiting to get all of the facts, fog of war, etc, etc.

    Bottom line – the old media plays this up as a coup for Obama and vindication for Hillary. And no doubt, the old media will be interviewing Hillary down the road at a politically opportune time….sympathetically listening to the living hell Hillary has personally been through struggling to get all of the facts, while admiringly commenting on what great presidential material she will be.

    Same old Lib playbook with the same old ending – blame someone else, come out looking good. All thanks to a complicit media and a gullible electorate. And no doubt, the whistleblowers will be just a few more innocent casualties of this incompetent Administration and their media palace guards. Might not work out exactly as stated above but the results will be the same.

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