Why Did They Freeze To Death?

Climate criminals at NASA and elsewhere have been creating a fake narrative about Greenland heating up and melting down. Sadly, some people actually believed NASA’s bullshit – and they paid with their lives.

Temperatures in the center of the ice sheet have been averaging below -35C since October, and the warmest day averaged -17C. Odds of surviving that kind of weather are pretty slim.

ScreenHunter_66 May. 09 21.00

History | Weather Underground

When NASA cheats and lies, people die.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Why Did They Freeze To Death?

  1. miked1947 says:

    Obviously a MAJOR Malfunction!

  2. Andy says:

    How did NASA cheating and lying make the Challenger disaster happen? I had always assumed it was because they were forced to work to a schedule /budget so that they took off on that day in conditions outside the normal with unforseen consequences?

    Surely this was due to a budgetry restraint coupled with political pressure?


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