Yes They Do Want To Confiscate All Civilian’s Guns, And Yes They Are The Slime Of The Earth


h/t to Kirk Meyers

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Yes They Do Want To Confiscate All Civilian’s Guns, And Yes They Are The Slime Of The Earth

  1. Chewer says:

    Folks that appreciate the Bill of Rights need to start laughing and ridiculing these pieces of shit!

  2. tckev says:

    Their logic is ALL gun owners are ‘bad guys’, and they say they are going to CONFISCATE the ‘bad guys’ little guns.

  3. aztecbill says:

    Citizens with guns stopped a planned illegal take over of the government by Adams in 1800.

    Those who think it couldn’t happen again are niave.

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