CHARLES WOODS, father of Tyrone Woods: I can’t imagine anyone with any heart that would watch a battle rage for seven hours knowing that heroes were there that were going to be slaughtered if you didn’t have help sent in. Because we know that C130s could have been sent there in less than an hour. Jets could have been scrambled in minutes from many different parts of the globe. The order was ‘don’t help them, let them die.’
You know, I’m sorry, the people in the military are honorable and when they make a vow, they’re honorable enough to live up to it. Part of that vow is to defend American lives on American soil, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. This compound was American soil by international law. I’m speaking as an attorney. By international law. A diplomatic compound is American soil, no matter where it’s located. So we had 30 American citizens on American soil. This is no different than if it happened in L.A., or any other city. It would not take seven hours, normally, to scramble the jets, to send the 130 if this was on American soil in California, New York, or any other place.
But to political would be dishonorable to my son’s life and death. However, I am here to honor my son. Part of the process of honoring, is to forgive. But part of the other process is truth and to make sure that justice is pursued. I hope that it is because justice has to be paid.
WOODS: I don’t want to point any fingers, but obviously people in the White House were watching this happen. Real time. They — someone in the White House, or many people in the White House watched the events unfolding and knew that if they gave the order to stand down, that my son would die. They watched my son die. As far as I’m concerned, there are people in the White House — whoever it was that was in that room watching that video of my son dying, their cries for help, their order ‘don’t help them at all, let them die’ — whoever it might be, might be numerous people, you have the blood of my son, you have the blood of an American hero on your hands. I don’t know who you are, but one of these days the truth will come out. I still forgive you, but you need to stand up.
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he forgives them why
Scramble jets to do what? Kill innocent civilains as guilty and innocent all look the same from the air? C130’s? Libya is rife with hand held anti aircraft missles and militias stocked to the hilt with weapons. How many C130’s, their crews, and their passengers would be lost? Benghazi is a hotbed of violence and radicals so even if troops were landed how many would die trying to save those who odds are would be dead by the time they got there? If we had landed troops how many more embassy’s around the world would get bombed in retaliation because we arrogantly invaded another country? It wasn’t even an embassy, a rented villa in an exceptionally hostile land. You’re AOK with invading a foreign land but would you feel the same if foreigners invaded the US for the same reason? Didn’t think so. These deaths are a tool to gain an advantage in the political arena. Yet many thousands of our troops, and civilians, have been left to die in hell holes all around the world because the cost in lives would be too great to save them and we hear nary a peep about it. Fortunes of war they say. Benghazi was war too. What would this father say to those parents of the many who would have died in the rescue?
You need psychological help.
Your logic is wasted on this site.
Your brain is wasted in this life.
What logic? Come to think of it. What is more stupid. An article quoting the grieving parent of a dead patriot? Or some clown who does not understand about painting targets with lasers coming over to demonstrate that ignorance?
Yea, we must let all bank robbers go – you cannot tell the difference between the robbers and the victims!
You have the intelligence of an amoeba. And I am sure it was glad to get rid of it.
Snedly, please stick to topics about which you have a clue. Your ignorance of military hardware, strategy and capabilities is bottomless.
Snedley, you don’t understand “semper fi”
The Commander-In-Chief and the Secretary of State, who had the responsibility to protect their people in a dangerous part of the world, acted precisely opposite to their responsibility (actually removing some security personnel), did nothing to contain or relieve the situation as it played out over 7 hours, and have blatantly lied to the American people about how that situation came about ever since (and in their lying, giving ideological aid and comfort to the enemy that attacked our people). In my book, that latter, persistent lying (not just to protect themselves, but to aid the insane beliefs of an enemy at war with us) amounts to treason (never mind the incompetence they showed in allowing the situation to come about as it did).
We knew within hours of the raid on Bin Laden where the President was and what his role was, because he was proud of himself. With Benghazi, the President has never revealed where he was or what orders he gave, because he is ashamed for those facts to come out.
The Democrats, Liberals and media who are protecting Obama in concealment of the facts of Benghazi are the same people who hounded Bush relentlessly over the Valerie Plame case, which was vastly less serious. All honorable Democrats are demanding the facts come out, which is to say, no Democrat.
Bin Laden was staged. Complete with photographers, and props. Benghazi was also staged, but the buffoons in the oval office did not do the staging, so they did not have the props or photographers.
4 people died because of Obama’s vanity.
Phil, I have often wondered that
Snedly, if your son or daughter were at Bhengazi would your previous post be different?
Well these guys choose to do the dark and dirty work of empire…they know they work on the edge of legitimacy and their jobs are dangerous…that they are expendable and work under plausible deniability. That’s why it’s called “black ops” etc. And it’s a tautology that black ops work will remain secret….DUH.
Although with Libya, and now Syria it is becoming obvious to even the most dense, we can’t have the public in general knowing that “al qaeda” is a creation of western intelligence. That would defeat the purpose!
The Benghazi attackers…run by the CIA!
The Boston bombers…run by the CIA!
The links between Chechen terrorists and their al-Qaeda counterparts are relatively well documented, even as far as the mainstream media accounts are capable of producing. Thus, the question for the general public should not revolve around potential links between the two terrorist factions, but around the more important issue of who al-Qaeda actually is.
just one hit…try googling “chechen cia support”!
If you want to make an omelet, you have to break eggs…
“Well these guys choose to do the dark and dirty work of empire…they know they work on the edge of legitimacy and their jobs are dangerous…that they are expendable and work under plausible deniability.”
Actually, the dead men were part of a brotherhood that always comes to the aid of brothers in peril. If you knew anything about military operations, you would know that those men expected reinforcements, it is why they painted the mortar nests with lasers.
Al-Qaeda is is a creation of Islam. Period. I’m tired of people blaming the rape victim.
If you knew anything about military operations…
Well there is a difference between MILITARY operations and SPECIAL/INTELLIGENCE operations. If you are working for the CIA, or State (is there is a difference anyways??) , there are is not a battalion of rangers, a specter gunship, and a column of armored vehicles sitting around waiting to rescue you….you are on a SECRET mission. DUH.
If you are a green beret in Chechnya training irregular assets, guess what…you are not on a regular MILITARY mission. In fact, you are probably even “retired” or a reservist under the employ of a contractor. And you did not infiltrate in and out through the Pankisi, you flew commercial right into Chechnya…because you are a CIVILIAN. And believe me, no one is coming to rescue you if you get rolled.
Check these guys out…talk about their mission trolling for whores in Morocco…was someone coming to rescue them??? And I suggest you read the whole article, they talk about the difference between regular military and what we now call “Special Operations”
But sometime, you do get lucky…
American SOF advisors under the employ of MPRI filmed on German Television being rescued from Aracinovo, with their terrorist clients.
Wake up.
I am fully awake, and have friends who were special ops. My entire life revolved around the military for many years. We ALWAYS have assets available, even if it is a single fighter jet.
The men who were murdered by Obama and Co, were risking their lives painting targets for air support that they KNEW was supposed to be there.
Wake up yourself.
We ALWAYS have assets available, even if it is a single fighter jet.
Well that is just simply not true. An operation is not very “black” if you have to shoot up a bunch of people in support of it!!
The men who were murdered by Obama and Co, were risking their lives painting targets for air support that they KNEW was supposed to be there.
They were apparently “freelancing.”
They weren’t told to stand down. What that means is, “Sit tight and don’t go there and don’t help.” He violated orders. He went over there.
He found where the mortar fire was coming from. He painted it with his laser.
Sure there may have been assets available, and in area…but not for their freelancing…operating outside the chain of command. Who knows what was supposed to have happened at the consulate…but it was obviously FUBAR of the original plan, and any contingencies.
The point is we don’t even know what was going on or who among many was running the show…what is apparent is that Benghazi is a recruiting base for terrorists who we arm, train and ship to places like Syria, Algeria, and Mali: and that our own proxy army, armed with inside information, attacked the consulate there.
See what Hack has to say about the Aracinovo debacle…those guys clearly had no one lined up for a rescue!
The folks on the ground say you are wrong.
And again, we had assets available. You do not send an ambassador into a war zone on a mission to retrieve weapons, without assets in the area. One jet executing a low level sonic boom would have sent the rats scurrying, and we have done this many times before.
Watch the testimony and learn.
One jet executing a low level sonic boom would have sent the rats scurrying…
Or gotten it shot down. Stevens and the CIA guys were collecting up MANPADS to ship to Syria, after all!
Rescuing Stevens just does not fit the narrative.
You still don’t get it. We can’t have a Spectre shooting up the jihadis…they are our allies. We just helped them liberate Libya from Kadafi. The Spectre is there to protect them, while we arm them and funnel them to Syria…where guess what, they are our ALLIES.
Or don’t you read the news…Israel just bombed Syria…in support of Al Qaeda
The war on Terror is just as fake as global warming, and the campaign to take your guns. And same people are behind it.
You are speaking of governments and politicians, I am speaking of the military and grunts.
We could and should have saved them. Period.
The target was painted. The assets were there and if used, would have resulted in maximum effectiveness with minimum collateral damage. Perhaps instead of debating stupid hypotheticals, you can read the transcripts to find out the reality. Gator owns you on this one.
Bold statement from Huckabee…
“When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,” Huckabee said on his radio show Monday.
“As the facts come out, I think we’re going to see something startling. And before it’s over, I don’t think this president will finish his term unless somehow they can delay it in Congress past the next 3½ years.”
I believe the press is Skeeter’s Teflon coating, and nothing will stick.
I am an immigrant who was awestruck by the USA when I arrived in 1982. Certainly the greatest country that is and perhaps the greatest that ever was. My idea of “Great” is not about military might but “Individual Freedoms”.
It is people like you who made it so. It grieves me to find this country bent on relinquishing the task of leading the “Free World”. Sure it is a thankless task but where else will you find anything comparable to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights or amazing concepts like “…government of the people, by the people and for the people……….”
Countries are defined by their institutions. See “Why Nations Fail” by Acemoglu and Robinson. It is not too late to pull back from the slippery slope that leads to Statism.
That said I wonder what Huckabee is smoking.
Hey GC! It is immigrants such as yourself that made this country great, and I am honored to call you a fellow American. The rot we have are those who have forgotten how blessed they are to be an American, and forgotten that with great freedom comes great responsibility. This country was not built by freeloaders, but by free thinkers who crafted the greatest opportunity for humanity in history.
That said, Bolton is also saying this could be a large issue for Skeeter and Co…
“The Benghazi scandal could be the final “hinge point” that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.
“This could be the hinge point,” he said to Newsmax. “It’s that serious for them.”
I trust Bolton’s opinion more than Huckabee’s, and I see his speech is more measured, as it should be.