1936 : Hottest And Coldest Months In US History

February 1936 was the coldest month in US history. July 1936 was the hottest. Thousands of people died from the heat that summer. The year was plagued with record heat, cold, drought, fires and floods.






ScreenHunter_465 Jun. 29 18.06




ScreenHunter_645 May. 30 20.00

ScreenHunter_647 May. 30 20.01



ScreenHunter_356 Jun. 26 21.07

28 May 1936 – Disastrous Forest Fire NEW YORK, Tuesday.


















About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to 1936 : Hottest And Coldest Months In US History

  1. Norman says:

    Have you seen the new Briffa Yamal story its big. It seems the TEAM is basically admitting there has been NO recent warming. By the TEAM I mean CRU and Briffa.maybe they are trying to save their careers as they realize sooner or later the party will be over. Maybe you should post the Briffa Yamal ring tree graph (2008) with the new one including the other thousands of trees (2013) that they did not want you to see from the SAME area, LOL check WUWT or CA. or Bishop Hill got an EXCELLENT review of the whole incident updated to today’s big news. BTW I suggest the before and after like the Hansen GISS adjustments USA that you had put up here before

    • Scientists blew their chance to tame this dragon several years ago. They no longer control the story and there is nothing they can do to pull it back from the politicians at this point. It has nothing to do with science any more.

      • omanuel says:

        Thanks for the information, Steven.

        I was born in Oct 1936. My mother essentially never recovered. She was admitted to a TB sanitarium in early 1937 and died in Sept 1940.

        There was no air conditioning in 1936. Now I wonder how much the extreme weather contributed to her death at age 28.

        • I’m sorry to hear that. During the summer of 1936, tens of thousands of New Yorkers slept out on the docks because it was too hot in their homes.

        • omanuel says:


          Thanks for your kindness.

          In old age, I am convinced that “nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.”

          Everything that happened on the journey of life prepared me for the conclusion.

          It only took me 70 years to figure out that being angry only hurt me and those around me.

          Again, thanks for your kindness. Today I am confident that the world is unfolding exactly as intended.

          On the road soon,
          Oliver K. Manuel

    • Latitude says:

      Norman, Briffa was wrong before….and he’s wrong now
      …sit back and wait a min

      He’s right about temps…it’s how he got there

  2. Chewer says:

    I’m totally shocked that Mogur and Reggie haven’t jumped into this posting to show their superior knowledge of the planets climatological history and to fully debunk your review of the past:)
    It may be that their Saturday evening mass is in session…

  3. Mike says:

    Reblogged this on This Got My Attention and commented:
    Interesting. So, again we see that extreme weather is not a new phenomenon.

  4. F. Guimaraes says:

    The 1930’s were very dry too, as we are now, but I wonder if the dryness was localized in some way the over N. America, or was observed in Europe and Asia and the SH as well. Dryness may lead to extreme local weather as we see in N. Africa all the time.
    What could have caused the dryness of the 30’s?
    I guess a combination of positive PDO
    with positive AMO
    could do the trick.

  5. Traitor In Chief says:

    I’d noticed this about the 1930s before. They contain the vast majority of all time highs, but surprisingly, many lows were set then as well. I can only surmise this was a prevalence of Rossby wave activity in the jet stream. So, does this signify a change of regime? The breakdown of a peak warm phase, and the start of a slide into a colder regime?

    • Actually, the winters of the 1930s were very unpredictable, as much or more so as the winters from 1975/1976 to 1983/1984 discussed at ‘http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/1520-0477%281984%29065%3C1302%3ARUMWTA%3E2.0.CO%3B2’.

      Between 1928/1929 and 1936/1937, there were two extremely cold winters throughout the contiguous US (1928/1929 being sixth coldest and 1935/1936 second coldest) and four straight winters in which record warmth occurred in some regions but abnormal cold elsewhere:

      ? 1930/1931: extremely warm in northern plains (plus Alaska and Western Canada) but very cold in the South (ninth coolest in Florida with major freezes)
      ? 1931/1932: the East’s “year without a winter” disrupts the Lake Placid games as snow melts in mid-January, but cold in the West (that very day it snowed in Los Angeles which was 13°F cooler than Bangor in mid-state Maine!) and very cold in Alaska
      ? 1932/1933: a repeat of the previous winter, only with the warmth shifted eastward to New England (warmest winter until the magic gate of 1998) and the coldest winter on record in the Southwest, with Flagstaff suffering a record thirty nights below 0°F.
      ? 1933/1934: in contrast to the previous two winters, this winter was record warm in the West, with Flagstaff for the first time going a whole winter without falling to 0°F and Portland, Oregon having November as its coolest month between July and June! It was also warm in the Plains, but the Northeast and Alaska were in a deep freeze as the polar highs prevented warm air invading, with upstate Maine going from its warmest winter to its coldest.

      The winter of 1936/1937 was very cold in the West and warm with record rain and flooding in the Ohio Valley, and very warm with extreme snowfall in interior and Arctic Alaska. The winter of 1939/1940 was very warm in the West and Alaska (and is still the warmest on record at Churchill, Manitoba) but saw a record cold month east of the Rockies in January, 1940 (plus a record hot December).

      Even the winter of 1929/1930, which looked relatively “normal” on paper, actually had a January that was until the 1977 the coldest month across the contiguous US (but very warm in interior, western and Arctic Alaska) and a record hot February until 1954 (that was very cold in Alaska).

      No doubt there was a prevalence of wave activity in the jet stream during that period, but what else explains the often freakish winters between 1928/1929 and 1936/1937 I do not know.

  6. terrence says:

    Something else I find odd about the ‘dirty thirties’ is that, apparently, there were more millionaires per capita than at an other time it the USA. So, some folks made lots of money; but lots more suffered and died.

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