40% Is The New 97%

Christie’s appeal rises above polarized nation, NBC/WSJ poll shows

It’s a combination that’s led to 40 percent of Republicans, 41 percent of independents and 43 percent of Democrats seeing him in a positive light.

In other words, he isn’t popular in any demographic.

Christie’s crossover appeal has some precedence. Arizona Sen. John McCain once enjoyed broad support

Christie’s appeal rises above polarized nation, NBC/WSJ poll shows – First Read

John McCain was probably the only Republican who could have lost to a community organizer is 2008. That is why lefties want to see a repeat performance.

Christie had a chance to reduce the America-hating majority in the Senate, but he was too much of a pussy to do it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to 40% Is The New 97%

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    On hotair I just said: Well, guess what, SUCCESS! The GOP and Tea Party has made climate change a litmus test issue http://www.climatedepot.com/2013/06/04/success-skeptics-tea-party-have-made-global-warming-a-gop-litmus-test/, for good reason, as that issue is driven by the most radical leftists and often communists and one worlders, and the science is bunk (the hockey stick has been debunked, and without the hockey stick there’s nothing unusual about current temperatures or climate. And despite previous bs ipcc assertions, there’s no demonstrated causal relationship between CO2 & climate temperatures. None. Click my name to see this key 3 minute video that makes this point on CO2 obvious and calls out Al Gore for his bullshit).

    But doesn’t the biggest “conservative” pusher of leftist gwarming know that you have a smaller carbon footprint if you are… smaller. Just saying.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Those aren’t bad numbers for such a varied group. 40% of D, R, and I is a winning combination.

  3. No Substitute for Victory says:

    It looks like Rohm Emanuel and Skeeter has some work to do.

  4. gator69 says:

    Christie is an idiot and a hypocrite. He fought the teacher’s union for taxpayer money, and then needlessly squanders it in an attempt to pander and get reelected.


    • timg56 says:

      It does not matter what great ideads you may have or how great your abilities to get stuff done in government, if you are not elected.

      Politics is about compromise. Even someone as outspoken as Teddy Roosevelt kept his mouth shut or held off with regard to timing in pursuing actions when the possibility existed of it negatively impacting his getting re-elected.

      As I’ve read it, Christie is concerned about having Chris Booker on the Nov. ballot, as the guy is very popular and could very well get Democratic voters coming to the polls in higher numbers than they otherwise might. Simple arithmatic tells you that when you are outnumbered by three quarters of a million voters, keeping a large portion of them disinterested can be critical.

      Now you could argue that he could avoid all of this by simply appointing a replacement. The problem with that is the evidence showing strong support for giving the electorate the choice. Afterall, isn’t that what an electorate is for? Electing the people who represent them? Christie is going the right thing here. Sure there is modicum of self interest – his maintaining his popularity among all New Jersey citizens. But it still is doing what is right. And Christie knows that doing so will probably come at a cost – namely with the folks who are second in importance to him, the Republican heiarchy.

      Bottom line – A Governor should first be reponsible to the citizens of his state. The party comes second.

      • gator69 says:

        “Bottom line – A Governor should first be reponsible to the citizens of his state. The party comes second.”

        So needlessly spending 24 million dollars of tax payer money is being responsible to those citizens how?

        Christie sucks. If you read my comment correctly you would see how little regard I hold for wasting tax money on politics. For lardo it is hypocritical and petty.

        • timg56 says:

          Unless you are a resident of New Jersey, you have no standing to complain. It isn’t your tax money.

          Right up there with the nanny state are people who like to bitch about stuff which is of no concern to them.

        • gator69 says:

          Sorry, not ‘bitching’, just naming hypocrites. If I were a resident of NJ (never) I would say the same not matter the party. Governors are stewards, and should be good stewards.

          Look up the word ‘libertarian’ and call me later. 😆

        • timg56 says:

          Ok, you say it isn’t bitching. It most certainly is name calling. Care to enlighten me how calling someone names contributes in a productive manner?

          If your expectation of an elected official is that he (or she) makes every decision exactly as you would, well I hope you are enjoying your fantasy world. Christie is not perfect. His decision to opt for the special election route does open him to criticism on whether it falls under the wise stewardship of public funds he champions. If you view it as hypocritical, fine. That is within reason. Calling him an idiot, lardo, a panderer, petty and that he sucks is an indication you are either a loud mouth or lack the ability to achieve to the level of a fat, idiot suck ass.

        • gator69 says:

          I didn’t realize I was dealing with a pansy.

        • timg56 says:

          It is obvious you don’t realize a lot of things.

          PS – I have no idea of what your definition of pansy may be (expect possibly anyone who disagrees with you), but if it includes submarine qualified torpedomen and firearms instructor, then pansy I am.

        • Obviously, you are full of shit.

        • gator69 says:

          “It is obvious you don’t realize a lot of things.”

          I knew enough that Christie was wrong, and he finally came around to what is right. You were wrong skippy.

          And no, that’s not the definition to which I was referring. 😉

  5. Pathway says:

    Fat Boy!

  6. Andy DC says:

    In 2016, there is going to be a civil war in the Republican Party if Christie gets the nomination.

    • timg56 says:

      With the way the Republican Party is going, that may be a good thing.

      Let’s not forget that history is going to regard Clinton as one of the most successful moderate republican Presidents of all time.

  7. gator69 says:

    Breaking news… Christie is said to have appointed the state AG to the recently vacated Lautenberg seat. (He must have seen my comments here)

    I take back all but the lardo comment. 😉

  8. Blade says:

    John McCain was probably the only Republican who could have lost to a community organizer is 2008. That is why lefties want to see a repeat performance.

    Christie had a chance to reduce the America-hating majority in the Senate, but he was too much of a pussy to do it.

    So very true. Governor Krispy Kreme is a big fat joke. I’m hoping for the sake of America, he stays off his diet and continues to shove food down his throat. He as redefined the use of the Austin Powers term “Fat Bastard” by making Bill Clinton look skinny.

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