Affordable Healthcare Act To Cost $20,000 Per Family

ScreenHunter_74 Jun. 03 09.01

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family | CNS News

Important disclaimer : only a racist would oppose Obama.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Affordable Healthcare Act To Cost $20,000 Per Family

  1. Pathway says:

    If you choose to join Colorado’s health care exchange you will have to fill out 26 pages of information including every detail of your financial life.
    Welcome to fascism.

  2. Duby says:

    Well i am 70 on S.S. and work part time–i guess i will just have to go to jail not collect 200 dollars and live off the taxpayers

  3. gator69 says:

    Well Hell, in that case, have twenty kids and get the most ‘bang’ for your ‘buck’! 😉

  4. As I commented on Alan Caruba’s “Warning Signs” site, “Obamacare is a rich man’s law and a poor man’s tyranny.” I will also not join, either Medicaid or Obamacare exchanges (because of the ridiculous intrusiveness “Pathway” mentioned above) and they will just have to come and get me or shut off my SS payments and let me die. I will not pay rent on my body to the government–that’s too much like surrendering to the “Will of God”, which our greedy mafia government is most assuredly not.

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    Well remember the deal here is: You get a compliant plan, and you don’t pay the Tax, er, uh, I mean PENALTY. If you don’t have much income, there isn’t much penalty. So, no one buys the plan because the Penalty is cheaper, and gets you full coverage, paid for with money borrowed from China. For many people, they will be getting a full years coverage for less than 300 bucks. The design of the plan is to underbid all of the Private Insurance providers, taking all their business…running them out of business. Then bankrupting the country with all the money borrowed to fund a program that is taking in little or nothing to support it. Those paying the very highest penalty (Read: Premium) will still only be paying roughly $200/mo. Where are you going to get full coverage for that amount elsewhere? Latin America, yes, but not here. This bill is a Trojan horse for single payer. It is also a cataclysmic expense that MA’s Treasurer Tim Cahill (Democrat turned independent) says will bankrupt the country in 5 years. THAT is what it is actually designed to do. Destroy the Private Health Insurance Industry, and create a debt that can never be repaid.

    See Cahill here:

    So, if you want to fight the beast, be advised that (I love this part) Insurers who have actually READ the bill figured out that (for large companies and individuals) Obungo care set stipulations about things like wellness care and deductibles ASSUMING these things would be ADDED to existing plans….but FORGETTING that the letter of the law only requires a plan that does the very things they specified. So I’m reading that Insurers have come up with plans that cost $40-$100/mo that comply with the law, but do little else. You could buy one of these “adders” in conjunction with the plan of your choice, and THIS is what I plan to do. It’s cheaper than the Penalty. These stripped down “skeleton” plans are now being offered to employers who are kicking their employees out into the exchanges that were NEVER CREATED, intending to pay instead the $3000 penalty per head. (cheaper than 20K, no?) Instead, they can pay $500-1200 and be compliant with a skeleton plan. At least, this is what I’m reading.

    Obamacare coming off the rails:

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