An IQ Test For Americans

Are Americans actually stupid enough to put another Clinton or Bush on the ballot?

Jeb Bush will present Hillary Clinton with the 2013 Liberty Medal this fall in Philadelphia.

It could be an awkward encounter for the two, both of whom are mentioned as 2016 presidential nominees for their respective parties

Jeb Bush to give award to Hillary Clinton – The Hill’s Ballot Box

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to An IQ Test For Americans

  1. Andy Oz says:

    According to Hansen the world will end by 2014 so it is a moot point. Alarmists dont need to look that far ahead. However in the remote case Hansen is 100% wrong, then the spiral down will continue if the US votes one of these bozos in. Good luck.

  2. philjourdan says:

    I refuse to vote for either.

  3. BC says:

    If there are two things that do NOT go together, it’s Shillary and the Liberty Medal. These “honors” are all so full of shit these days as to make them totally irrelevant to sentient beings.

  4. Pathway says:

    The elitist giving awards to one another. How quaint.

  5. The Iconoclast says:

    None of the founding fathers were professional politicians. Jefferson is spinning in his grave from the multigenerational political families achieving high office in this land… the Kennedys, of course, and the Roosevelts… the Bushes, Romneys, Gores, Udalls, Bayhs, Dalys, Landons, and that’s just off the top of my head.

    Fortunately Al Gore Jr’s 2007 arrest for going 100 MPH in a Prius plus possession of marijuana along with unprescribed Xanax, Valium, Vicodin and Adderall probably means we won’t have Al Jr to kick around.

    What fools these mortals be!

  6. Jason Calley says:

    “”It could be an awkward encounter for the two, both of whom are mentioned as 2016 presidential nominees for their respective parties”

    Not awkward at all. The Bush family and the Clintons have been partners in crime for decades. The first time I ever heard of Bill Clinton was back in 1989 when word began getting around that then-President Bush was involved in some illegal operations with a little known governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. How amusing to see the two of them pretending to fight it out for the next Presidential election. The Bushs and the Clintons are not opponents, they are partners.

  7. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Steven, here is a friendly but serious IQ test for you.

    In the event both of these individuals ended up winning their respective party’s nomination, would you be willing to state now that it would be unacceptable to vote for either of them in the general election? I.e. that it would be better to vote for an independent conservative candidate, but that not to vote would be preferable to a vote for Jeb Bush, and would not be synonymous with “being a Hillary Clinton supporter”?

    Before you answer (if you choose to answer! 🙂 ), I would just like to highlight the following …

    1. As Florida Governor, Jeb was a huge supporter of expanding trade and normalizing relations with Cuba.

    2. As Governor, he successfully opposed federal plans for additional oil and gas drilling in Florida.

    3. As far as I know, he has not been a supporter of Florida Governor Rick Scott, who despite faults is probably the best governor in Florida’s history.

    4. As far as I know, he has been completely absent from the ongoing battles over federal deficit reduction, tax hikes, the fiscal cliff, and sequestration. For example, I have not seen or heard him criticize Paul Ryan for voting in favor of the $4 trillion “fiscal cliff” bill (the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012).

    5. He has taken no leadership role, or any material role that I’m aware of, in the fight against Obamacare.

    6. He worked for his father’s campaign for the presidential nomination in 1980, a campaign which fought desperately and aggressively to deny the nomination to Ronald Reagan, arguing that Reagan could not win and therefore should not be the nominee.

    7. In October 2007, Jeb “endorsed Rudy Giuliani for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination, and supported the effort as chairman of “Florida Young Professionals for Rudy”.” (Wikipedia article on Jeb Bush.) Giuliani is the pro-abortion, pro-gun-control politician who voted for McGovern in 1972, volunteered for Robert Kennedy in 1968, was a New York Democrat until 1975, was nominated three times by New York’s Liberal Party for mayor (and zero times by the Conservative Party), and was endorsed by the New York Times in 1997. He also endorsed Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo over Republican George Pataki in 1994, and he notoriously and openly cheated on his wife during his tenure as mayor, filing for divorce on the grounds that she was “cruel” in complaining to him about it. This is who Jeb Bush endorsed and campaigned for for U.S. President in ’07/’08.

    8. Jeb Bush has endorsed his son, George Prescott Bush, to be Texas Land Commissioner, the official responsible for approving and supporting Texas wind projects.

    9. Jeb has been quoted as saying about his father, George H. W. Bush: “My dad’s the greatest man I’ve ever met or will meet; I can predict that fairly confidently.” His dad supported the 1992 U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro where plans were laid for Agenda 21 and for how governments would instigate and then make use of the greatest scientific hoax in human history, AGW.


  8. Stephen Richards says:

    I know the yanks are thick but really !! Look, after Oblarny has finished with the US no-one would ever be so utterly stupid as vote a democrat back in.

    Oh, hold it, of course they would. Just offer them lots of redundancy money.

  9. That’s a rhetorical question right?

  10. ralphcramdo says:

    I’ve heard Jessie Ventura and Howard Stern might be running for president and vice president the next election. If so they’d get my vote.

  11. Kaboom says:

    Liberty from what? Truth? Accountability?

  12. Jambon-X says:

    Q: “Are Americans actually stupid enough to put another Clinton or Bush on the ballot?”

    A: On the ballot? Yes.

    In the White House? 48% would be willing to give 0BAMA a third term.

    Would they put the smartest woman in history in the White House? Yes.

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