Climate nutjobs are spreading rumors all over the Internet that this region near the North Pole is a huge hole in the ice.
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There are also conspiracy theorists spreading rumors about the ice in the Beaufort Sea being covered with snow
Lying is a cardinal sin on this blog. Do you want to be spam?
I think EVERYTHING Reggie-Pooh dumps here is spam. IT would be REALLY to not see any more of his endless drivel.
I will retract that statement, feel free to delete it.
What part of what I wrote is a lie?
Nobody said anything about fresh snow in the Beaufort Sea
Shock News!!! US Army instrumentation located underneath the Beaufort clouds reveals that snow has melted away, and what’s more ice is melting both from the top and the bottom even as we speak:
Over 9 feet of ice and it is the end of June.
Wonder how much thicker the ice is at the Pole?
You people are obsessed with the artic, Jim. The only reason is because you put all you eggs in one basket and told everyone that the ice was gone. Now you have to explain all the extra ice and are looking for all signs of melting. Ice melts in the summer, this happens every year. I’m guessing with less than two months in the melting season still remaining, and with no melting in sight, you guys are starting to sweat a little. I’m guessing that the explanation will be that the ice there is not “real ice” or something like that. I guess that’s the argument that you’re building up now. You guys are pathetic. Does it not bother you that you base your entire ideology on lie after lie, exaggeration after exaggeration?
It’s obvious many Warmists have substituted whatever religious beliefs they once held with a belief in the new theology of anthropogenic global warming, now re-named “climate change” to distract public attention from the fact that there has been no statistically significant warming for at least the last 19 years (see HADcrut3 data below). The only thing keeping the global warming hypothesis alive is superstition and a willful ignorance of the growing body of contradictory observational and empirical data.
For the record once again: There is not correlation between rising CO2 and rising global temperatures. In fact, the correlation is exactly the reverse: temperatures rise first, followed centuries later by increases in CO2. During the late Ordovician period, when CO2 levels were 10 times current levels, earth was in the midst of a major glaciation.
As one skeptical scientist recently observed, “The impact of CO2 on the earth’s climate is the equivalent of a fart in a hurricane.” It’s so small it can’t be measured.
Here are a few facts the Warmists simply refuse to confront:
Werner Brozek
For RSS the warming is not significant for over 23 years.
For RSS: +0.127 +/-0.134 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1990
For UAH the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
For UAH: 0.146 +/- 0.170 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
For Hadcrut3 the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
For Hadcrut3: 0.095 +/- 0.115 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
For Hadcrut4 the warming is not significant for over 18 years.
For Hadcrut4: 0.095 +/- 0.110 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1995
For GISS the warming is not significant for over 17 years.
For GISS: 0.111 +/- 0.122 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1996
I’ve been watching the buoy’s data and web-cams for weeks, the situation is much different than it is portrayed by Steve.
Thank goodness there are places like Neven’s and The Arctic Sea Ice Forum to keep us informed with regards to what is actually going on in the reality based universe.
Reggie Cut the bullshit
Oooooh! some of those melt ponds are 20cm deep and there’s only 3 meters of ice beneath them. Oooooh!
Steve, what do you dispute, would you allow me to post links?
Look at the satellite photo. Do you think the emperor has clothes?
How does that photo back up your claim about there being thick multi year ice near the mouth of the McKenzie River. All that photo shows is badly fractured ice. The scale is too small to allow you to deduce the size of the spaces between the ice, the amount of surface ponding and it certainly does not show thickness.
The link below makes it clear that the ice is not thick near the mouth of the McKenzie
You are so completely full of shit. I have said nothing about the McKenzie River.
The rowers are going to be exiting the McKenzie River and heading east. How does that make me full of shit?
Were did I write “fresh snow”?
Reggie-Pooh – PLEASE STOP FART IN HURRICANES. By doing so, you ENDLESSLY make a fool out of yourself,A COMPLETE AND UTTER FOOL. .
It appears that this is simply the result of a misreading of my comment, no harm, no foul.
I am curious about this conspiracy being spread about a large hole in the ice near the pole. I have read about the ice being full of holes north of 80, but nothing about a large hole at the pole.
Who is spreading the story about this big hole?
That’s not showing a hole. It’s showing a thinning near the pole, which is consistent with high winds + low humidity = evaporation of that ice (partially so far). Similar to an old ice cube tray in an unused freezer, the cubes get smaller without ever melting.
Then in the areas surrounding the pole is more humid air, facilitating more ice and snow until going even further when you see seawater.
Jeffk, photographer
A storm has been spreading the ice out causing lower concentrations. It doesn’t appear that there has been any melt.
A hole or two in the ice is nothing uncommon. It would not mean the end of the world. But that scenario is hypothetical, since there are no holes in the ice at this time.
Can’t you see the holes in Steve’s picture above Andy? As you point out, they’re not uncommon!
If not try clicking his link and zooming in. Does that help at all?
If they are not uncommon, why are you guys so very excited? Find a new hobby, you are annoying the grown ups.
Sorry to annoy you yet again Gator, but here’s a very pretty picture of a small hole in the ice in a region near the North Pole earlier today, along with some more US Army equipment:
Beautiful, isn’t it?
Sorry Jim, but only another hole could truly appreciate that.
Personally I don’t care what the ice does, as long as we do not slide into another ice age. In case you are too blinded by your zealotry, warmer is better.
WTF are you so excited about, this is nothing new, except they we are here with advanced technology to observe it this time.
Enjoy the interglacial and help the needy.
As a photographer I can tell you that is not a hole. Those are shadows and a bright reflection off the distant ice from the sunlight straight ahead. Similar to seeing a sand dune but made of shiny ice instead.
Looks like we’ll have to agree to disagree about that then Jeff. As a photographer, do you agree it’s pretty though? What do you make of the equipment in the foreground? Is that a mirage?
Hopefully we can agree about this other picture though:
Does that look like a bright reflection off the distant ice from the sunlight straight ahead, or a small hole in the ice?
What do you make of today’s images from that “region near the North Pole” Jeff? The sun’s behind the camera in this shot:
You can see quite clearly that temperatures are below freezing, because the snow crystals are intact.
There’s no need to speculate on the basis of images of snow crystals Steve, pretty or otherwise. The equipment shown in the foreground states quite clearly that the temperature of the air just above the ice is -1.34 °C there today:
For some strange reason the liquid water beneath the ice is even further “below freezing”
Steve, with regards to the snow situation on the Beaufort Sea, the buoys show that the snow has already melted and the melt started in early June.
There is no mention of a hole at or near the pole in your link.
so is this what alarmists have now come to? arguing about ‘holes’ being in the ice? what we are witnessing here folks is the last gasp delusional rantings of a dying theory. alarmists will indeed find something else to grab a hold off to control people’s lives, but this one is over. McIntyre’s total recent destruction of the briffa et all is literally game set match. there is nothing left to stand on for these clowns. move on to your next human caused catastrophe there Regg, this is….how shall we say…….”settled”
The Great Hole Debate of 2013, the last refuge of the idiot.
It is REGGIE-POOH`S home.
They’ll probably not be here next year, because the cooling of the polar regions is accelerating. The NP is being helped by the change in Hadley cells since last year and the beginning of the decline of the cycle C24.
More and more their lies will be exposed.
It really is so sad to watch Warmist sink to new lows. They are desperately trying to keep their religious beliefs alive as their congregation shrinks rapidly. They have no credibility left and are grasping at straws; weather is now the climate as far as they’re concerned.
Reggie, haven’t you got anything better to do than point at holes? Sheesh!
We’re witnessing the final desperate attempts of the Warmist crowd to prop up their collapsing theory. It would funny if weren’t so sad. The True Believers are like frightened children clinging to their favorite Teddy Bear. They are in love with their theory. They can’t let go.
With their discredited theory on life support, they make even bigger fools of themselves by claiming that global warming is root cause of every climate event. Which is, of course, laughable. There has been no statistically significant warming for 17-plus years (see the following datasets: RSS, UAH, GISS, HADcrut3, HADcrut4).
With global temperatures flat-lining and now beginning to decline, they’ve had to shift to a new scare story: “climate change.” The scare must be kept alive; there’s too much money at stake in the form of research grants, carbon taxes, carbon commodity trading, and renewable energy grants. The real, but unstated goal, of the Green movement is the destruction of the market economy and the world’s energy infrastructure. In other words, the abolition of capitalism and impoverishment of mankind.
And they haven’t got their ‘carbon credit’ fraud scheme fully in place yet.
When they fail Warmists will one day thank us sceptics. I mean how many Warmists can do without their warm homes in winter, iPads, holidays to the Maldives, posting their delusions on blogs etc.
As the world has clearly started to cool they are desperately trying to misdirect. Just like a magician makes you focus on his left hand while the right hand is up to the real ‘trickery’. They think we are all bloody stupid and don’t keep our eyes open.
How about posting those pics from back in the 50’s with open water at the pole. Not a very uncommon thing to happen.
Probably in the 1930’s was even worse, but we don’t have reliable data to prove it.