Arctic Sea Ice Extent Continues To Be The Highest In A Decade

ScreenHunter_246 Jun. 23 06.46

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Extent Continues To Be The Highest In A Decade

  1. Bernard Murphy says:

    Worth noting also that mean temperatures above 80°N have remained below the ERA40 average for the past 5 to 6 weeks.

  2. mikael says:

    Some have to correct some missunderstandings aout the Artics and its clima.

    The Artics and Sub artics zones are usuly very dry, I grew up above the artic circle, the land of the middnight sun, 70 long.
    Where short summers, 2-4 months could have heats temps localy, above sentral europa, I have even expirienced and that with full winter(4-5 months with below 30), warmths up to 30-40 for weeks.
    And no rain. Even the Barents Sea is warm, as we say it, it was 9 deg. hehe.
    In the fjords aprox 12-14 deg.
    Heat, hehe
    As a male, you will have your genitales Inverted, literarly.

    The area of the northeastern perimeters of the Russian taiga, witch reatches into nothern scandinavia, is as dry as Sahara in the summer months, usuly, but the spring and atum is short, and the winther in full 6 months.
    I loved the vinthers, no problems.
    Its never fully dark, its more Drak blue, because of the snow.

    Since the midd 80 the wether gott different, and the winters was warmer, ut the summers remained the same, but now in the latest 2 years aprox, as I dont live up there anymore, they are reporting, good old winther is back, cold and all. I expect it to plunge under 40 and stay there, more and more often in the next year as we all go into a colder period.
    As a what aperas to be a 60 years cycle.

    And return to good old days with full winthers.


  3. Treesong says:

    It will be interesting to see how this graph looks on July 23.

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