Arctic Summers Much Colder Than The 1950s

Red is 1959. Blue is 2013.

1959 reached freezing about three weeks earlier than 2013

ScreenHunter_188 Jun. 21 07.29

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Arctic Summers Much Colder Than The 1950s

  1. tckev says:

    paging Jim Hunt .
    Please to note that the Arctic has not always been frozen.
    For some reason – YET TO BE PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD – there is a NATURAL CYCLE to the freezing and melting of the poles over decadal and longer time periods.

    • Marian says:

      There’s no such thing as a natural cycle. It doesn’t exist according to AGW/CC Idiot Alarmists. Ever since Humans have been on Planet Earth the hardcore alarmists claim we’ve been changing the climate.

      • T.O.O says:

        Did you find that information in those cave rock paintings or from some other source?

        • terrence says:

          You have just made yourself look even MORE STUPID then you usually do, brother T.O.O. You REALLY are a LAUGHING-STOCK. Thanks for the HOOTS – you brain-dead JERK.

        • T.O.O says:

          Really Terrance,
          More stupid than even “Ever since Humans have been on Planet Earth the hardcore alarmists claim we’ve been changing the climate”?

          Well, i will just have to up my game. Thanks for the heads up.

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