Chelsea Clinton Lays Out A Strong Case For Abortion

New York, NY (CFAM) — From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Chelsea Clinton Laments: My Grandmother Did Not Have Access to Planned Parenthood |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Chelsea Clinton Lays Out A Strong Case For Abortion

  1. SMS says:

    I’m not in favor of abortions, and I have a hard time accepting most reasons for having one……..having said that, there is a chance that Hillary’s lineage could have been disrupted for the good of the universe (if Chelsea had her choice).

  2. No child should be murdered. I just wish that Hilliary’s mother had given her up for adoption, to a couple from another country.

    • Andy Oz says:

      I’m thinking a childless couple in Kenya?

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      I’m with you there Melody, however if a foetus (English spelling) is killing the mother, and with the child being a drain on the rest of society for decades, abortion helps the mother not only survive, but continue contributing to society – if she’s not a prolific breeder.

  3. jimash1 says:

    It is hard to imagine anyone saying “It is tragic that my great-grandmother didn’t get an abortion” but there it is.

  4. Blade says:

    Chelsea Clinton Lays Out A Strong Case For Abortion

    … Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents …

    A very strong case indeed.

  5. David says:

    It really is no ones business except the mothers. When you start taking others rights and making judgements you are doing the same thing you resent in the democrats. Having said that I dont agree with abortion but have assisted in them when the mothers life is at stake.

    • Justa Joe says:

      One may argue that the baby has right too?

      • David says:

        How will a pre-viable baby survive in a dead mother. Preeclampsia has one cure delivery.

        • gator69 says:

          How does that remove the rights of other human beings? Think much?

          We once considered blacks to be sub human too. Even with all of our advances, sadly some of the population still clings to the knuckle dragging idea that some humans are less human than others. Maybe it’s because they have no say and no vote, just like the blacks, before good men stood up and defended them.

        • Olaf Koenders says:

          Sorry Gator, but abortion is as old as humanity itself for myriad reasons. If the mother dies then so will the pre-viable foetus, regardless what you do because it’s pre-viable. If you try to extract it to save its life, is that called abortion too?

          Clinging to cuddly feel-goodery that foetuses must have rights, even if it’s still just an egg, is somewhat ridiculous. That’s not how it occurs in nature. The foetus can die of a vast variety of reasons and eggs via menstruation. If the mother smoke, drank or took other drugs and the egg/foetus is ejected into the toilet, is that murder?

          A foetus is a parasite, regardless how you look at it. Before its born, it knows virtually nothing of the world, except sounds – if its auditory functions are developed.

          Many people are born with a conjoined twin hanging off them. It can’t be proven whether such a parasite is “conscious” to any degree, but to have it removed is far more socially acceptable than abortion. Why? Is it only the West that feels a starving African family shouldn’t abort yet another foetus that would strain their resources further?

          I feel people should be more responsible in the first place. The “aid” for 3rd world countries should primarily consist of birth control.

        • gator69 says:

          In that particular instance you are correct, my question was how that changes the rights of all the unborn. I need no straw men.

        • Justa Joe says:

          Olaf Koenders, The reproductive product of an organism within said organism during the normal process of reproduction doesn’t conform to any definition of “parasite” that I have been able to find.

      • Justa Joe says:

        David, My comment was directed at the “It really is no ones business except the mothers.” as it would apply to an elective abortion of a completely healthy baby/mother. I wouldn’t even lump preclampsia, eptoptic pregnancies, or other health threatening pregnancy related conditions in with “abortions” as used in the common parlance.

        • David says:

          My mistake Justa. However I have seen nurses walk out of the room when they found out the procedure would be an abortion even to save the mother. I feel this is very closed minded as the fetus will die either way and the mothers life is at stake.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    The confab is called “Women Deliver,” but it features an abortion rant… weird

  7. DarrylB says:

    Bizarre! Chelsea states that it is too bad that she exists!? Of all social issues this is the one which causes me the most discomfort. Yes, I am an old white guy. But, beyond the small percentage that are required for health reasons, I personally feel that abortion upon demand is reflective of a downturn of society. —– Why? well here are my personal thoughts
    1) Back to slavery. As if a women owns the life of another potential human being. If I should cause the end to that life, I can be charged with murder, however, the mother can make that same choice, because it is felt she owns the right to have the baby or not. We can love our children, but they are not property which we own.

    2) It is Another way in which my generation has moved away from accepting responsibility for our actions. In some areas it is pathetic among biological fathers. Because a women can abort, Men all too often feel that what the hell, I do not need to worry about anything. So some children that are not aborted come into a world where there is casual or no feelings of parental love. That attitude hurts individuals and all of society. It is part of a callous attitude, a me first attitude. Yes, us old men have seen many changes, some good, some bad. An increase in lack of responsibility, lack of love and caring in families is one of the bad.

  8. Ok, now that’s funny.

  9. Jambon-X says:

    Chelsea must believe that she would somehow still have been born, even if her mother never had been.

  10. Robertv says:

    Abortion is bad. It is much better to send them to a war zone like Chicago or Afganistan.

  11. copernicus34 says:

    Some of you scare the hell out of me.

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