Chris Christie Has A Chance To Partially Redeem Himself

ScreenHunter_79 Jun. 03 11.18

Twitter / climatebrad: For the Jersey shore’s sake, …

ScreenHunter_81 Jun. 03 11.20

Data and Station Information for ATLANTIC CITY

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Chris Christie Has A Chance To Partially Redeem Himself

  1. gator69 says:

    By staying away from that guage?

  2. Wyguy says:

    Climate denier, is that a person who denies natural variations or cycles exist or that the earth has been warmer when the CO2 levels were much lower?

  3. gofer says:

    They have always been the deniers but as usual they accuse others of what they themselves do in order to deflect attention away from them. They deny there’s been a “pause” in warming. Read a comment that said “surface temps aren’t the only thing… as a whole is warming.” Constant deflection and sooner or later they will no longer be able to deny the reality and will slink away into the background like nothing ever happened.

  4. geologyJim says:

    I was stunned to learn that Frank Lautenberg had died.

    I was quite certain that he was clinically dead when he was last elected.

    The Democrat machine is quite adept at wheeling comatose candidates out to staged events to “energize the base” and get them elected. Think Ted Kennedy or Gabby Giffords. Or Marion Berry in D.C. who “sniffed” and “snorted” his way back into office after doing hard time on drug charges. All good stalwart Dem-o-crats.

    Remember that Lautenberg was the last-minute throw-in to replace Bob “The Torch” Toricelli who got convicted just a few weeks before the New Jersey Senate vote. Fraud, influence peddling, bribery – the usual stuff in Jersey.

    The Dems pulled Lautenberg out of retirement, dusted off his “Man of the People” image (with media assistance), and then sent the usual Union boys out to make sure the “right voters” showed up at the polls.

    Lautenberg and turncoat Joe Lieberman were critical to the 60-vote Senate majority at the end of Bush’s second term

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