Civil Disobedience In The Arctic

Arctic ice refuses to obey government experts!

ScreenHunter_27 Jun. 20 19.30

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Civil Disobedience In The Arctic

  1. Andy Oz says:

    This is disastrous for the CAGW alarmists.
    They must be running around like chooks with their heads cut off. How come the ice is not melting catastrophically? As Professor Julius Sumner Miller used to say: “Why is it so?”
    Answer: Because CAGW is a figment of Gore, Hansen, Mann et al’s imagination. It was never real and never will be. It was only ever a reason to introduce a new tax by the elites.

    Countdown: Only 80 days till the dumbest tax in the world is repealed in Australia and we are emancipated from the slavery of the climate alarmists.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      The forces which placed those taxes won’t go quietly into the night. Expect a fight to get rid of Julia and her taxes.

  2. Jussi says:

    Why don’t you show the Arctic Roos area graph anymore? It was your favorite graph about a month ago.

  3. F. Guimaraes says:

    If we draw a tangent to the graph at the point where the blue line ends, it would cross the average black line before the middle of July! 🙂
    Thanks Steve for always finding the best data about the Arctic ice, and other important information, to help us understand what is really happening at the N. Pole!

  4. Traitor In Chief says:

    Now that we’re all Nazis, shouldn’t we be chanting Sieg Heil or Heil Arctic, or something? Do I hafta wear one of those stupid helmets?

  5. snafu says:

    Whats also interesting is that from next month the NSIDC will be using a 1981-2010 reference period.

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