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- Bob G on Causes Of Earthquakes
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- conrad ziefle on On the Cover Of The Rolling Stone
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- Solar Mutant Ninjaneer on On the Cover Of The Rolling Stone
- conrad ziefle on On the Cover Of The Rolling Stone
- conrad ziefle on Precision Taxation
- conrad ziefle on Causes Of Earthquakes
- conrad ziefle on “what the science shows”
but but but…..the wind moved some of the ice offshore at Barrow!
…doesn’t that count for something???
Not according to the Guardian:
shooting bears is ok….as long as it’s for…….theatrics
The crew will carry sound as well as rubber bullets to try to scare the bears off – with a shotgun as the last order of defence – in the event they are forced to beach and encounter an animal on land. But said Gleeson: “Obviously our main strategy is going to be to avoid the polar bear.”
Have the bears been told of this plan and warned to keep away?
they use a stunt double
Wow, barely above freezing. I spent a bit of time flicking through the charts for previous years. Lots of variation during the rest of the year, but the summer stays pretty constant. Now, what was all that guff about “Polar Amplification”?
I wonder how GISS is going to spin this to get all that bright red on their pictures?
to but, how come obama has never caught the Phantom Raspberry Blower Of Old London Town.
In about five weeks, the chart starts heading down. Not a whole lot of time for a whole lot of melt.