Colorado Fire Devastation Update

ScreenHunter_58 Jun. 02 12.40

President Obama says that fossil fuel powered forest fire destroyed Colorado last summer. The picture above shows the burn area of the largest 2012 Colorado fire, as well as the March, 2013 fire. I rode my bicycle up there this morning. The burn area is full of lush green grass.

The picture below was taken on my ride back home.

ScreenHunter_59 Jun. 02 12.44

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Colorado Fire Devastation Update

  1. Rosco says:

    That just can’t be right – everyone knows that there is a radiation balance top of atmosphere and all radiation in must equal radiation out else global warming occurs.

    Therefore all plant growth requiring large quantities of solar energy (proof – set fire to them and see how much energy is released) to create complex organic compounds from simple molecules and elements is simply imaginery – a hallucinogenic side effect of that dangerous disease – denialism.

  2. lance says:

    the horror…I do not know how you can put up with all that green foliage (tongue in cheek…)…

    fire…great rewener of life…

    Looks great Steve,..early may up here in southern alberta was pretty dry…added up the month this am…and 2C above normal (not out of the normal range) and almost 2 inches above rain than normal…most of that falling in late May…but then, May/June are our wet months…so…pretty much average…

  3. Fires are a natural way of returning nutrients to the soil. The area of the garden where I toss my woodstove ashes always does better than the un ashed areas.

  4. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Hey Steve, I finally decided to retire the old 1974 Pinarello 10-speed. Friends are recommending either the Cannondale or Trek hybrids with aluminum frames (can’t afford the carbons if I wanted to). Have a recommendation? Thanks.

  5. Duby says:

    Al Gore backlash: Why environmentalists are celebrating rising CO2 levels

    (NaturalNews) Thank goodness carbon dioxide levels are finally rising ever so slightly in our atmosphere, bringing much-needed carbon dioxide to the plants and forests of the world which have been starving for CO2. The lack of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the most devastating limiting factors for plant growth and reforestation of the planet, and at just 400ppm — that’s just 400 micrograms per kilogram — carbon dioxide is so low that Earth’s plant life can barely breathe.

    Learn more:

  6. Andy DC says:

    That is just like a place should look when they average 14″ of rain and they are abnormally dry. NOT!

  7. Traitor In Chief says:

    Surely Big Oil went up there and planted “Rotten” grass to hide the devastation. And what’s all that fake water doing in the picture? Don’t you know about the drought?

    • gator69 says:

      The droughtfire melted a glacier, created that lake which then put out the fire, and uncovered ancient grasses.

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