CRU 2006 : Endless Barbecue Summers

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say
John Roach

for National Geographic News
August 1, 2006

Scientists at the University of Oxford in England and the Hadley Centre for Climate Research and Prediction in Exeter, England, recently concluded that human-induced global warming has increased the odds by a factor of around six that Europe will see summer heat waves as extreme as that of 2003.

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say

Now they say the exact opposite

ScreenHunter_291 Jun. 24 09.49

The shape of British summers to come? | Science | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to CRU 2006 : Endless Barbecue Summers

  1. Cowpoke says:

    Scientist and Pathalogical Liars seem to have lot in comman:

    “Climate Change Scientists Kick The Fear Mongering Into Overdrive, Claim Global Warming Like “Four Hiroshima Bombs Every Second”…

    “All these heat-trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere mean … our planet has been building up heat at the rate of about four Hiroshima bombs every second – consider that going continuously for several decades”, John Cook, Climate Communication Fellow from the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland said.”

  2. gator69 says:

    Alarmists seem to have a horse/cart relationship issue.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    Brolly & Sunblock

  4. Bob Johnston says:

    Melting ice in Greenland? What melting ice in Greenland?

  5. Chewer says:

    They got one thing right; the general public have no memory and are mostly of the low IQ type…

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