Death Valley Was Hotter During The Coldest Years Ever

Hansen says that 1906-1915 was the coldest decade ever.

ScreenHunter_381 Jun. 27 10.13

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

During that super-duper cold time, Death Valley set the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth.

ScreenHunter_380 Jun. 27 10.11

From July 8 to July 14, 1913 – Death Valley maximum temperatures averaged 129F  According to Hansen, that was the second coldest year ever.

ScreenHunter_382 Jun. 27 10.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Death Valley Was Hotter During The Coldest Years Ever

  1. phodges says:

    Wow. apparently the rampant heatwaves that caused the great Dustbowl left nary a clue in the temperature record.

  2. intrepid_wanders says:

    Heh, 12% of the US record highs come from that “COLD period”:

    State	Record high	Date	Place(s)
    New Hampshire	106 °F / 41 °C	4-Jul-11	Nashua
    Vermont	105 °F / 41 °C	4-Jul-11	Vernon
    Maine	105 °F / 41 °C	10-Jul-11	North Bridgton
    California	134 °F / 57 °C	10-Jul-13	Death Valley
    Alaska	100 °F / 38 °C	27-Jun-15	Fort Yukon
    Minnesota	115 °F / 46 °C	29-Jul-17	Beardsley

    While 8% of the record lows come from that “COLD period”:

    State	Record low	Date	Place(s)
    Maryland	?40 °F / ?40 °C	13-Jan-12	Oakland
    Utah	?50 °F / ?46 °C	5-Jan-13	Strawberry Tunnel East
    Tennessee	?32 °F / ?36 °C	30-Dec-17	Mountain City
    West Virginia	?37 °F / ?38 °C	30-Dec-17	Lewisburg


  3. Jambon-X says:

    Remarkable event from 1859 (obviously a year of very bad Global Warming), and, unfortunately, almost certain to happen again – to be attributed to CO2 in the 21st century, but somehow not caused by CO2 in the 19th…

    “The most phenomenal of all known sundowners occurred on 17
    June 1859. (Tomkins, undated publ.)

    It was recorded in 3 historic texts from 19th century California as a frightening event without parallel in weather records in that part of the world. An engineering boat from the “US Coast Survey” fortuitously anchored near Santa Barbara monitored the weather that day and issued a report on its observations.

    The ship record states that temperatures reached into the mid 80s by mid morning and no unusual weather was noted.

    At approximately 1pm, gusty northwest winds developed “from the direction of Santa Ynez Peak” accompanied by a sharp temperature rise and a severe dust storm. The storm “filled the inhabitants (of Goleta) with terror; they thought the end of the world had come.”

    At 2 pm, the survey boat recorded a temperature of 133 degrees F (56 degrees C) in heavy blowing dust. Animals died in the fields, wild birds dropped from the air dead, and fruit and vegetables were “scorched on the windward side.” The survey report stated that “no human being could withstand such heat.” Contemporary accounts called the wind a “simoon,” an Arabic word for a hot desert wind.

    By 5 pm on that June day, the thermometer reading had dropped to 122 degrees. By 8 pm, it had cooled to 77 degrees. A North American high temperature record was established that day which would be eclipsed only years later by a 134 degree reading in Death Valley. “

  4. higley7 says:

    Atmospheric blocking when the Arctic/tropic temperature difference is greatest (a cooling or cool period) sets the stage for hottest ever when a hot region is blocked over Death Valley.

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