Guam Starting To Tip

ScreenHunter_24 Jun. 10 15.53

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Guam Starting To Tip

  1. The surface of the water is tilted.

  2. Nothing to worry about. Now, Hank, the building is acting like a rather large mainsail… I suggest you let out the sheets a little and perhaps move the tiller to head into the wind.

  3. gofer says:

    May 17 (Bloomberg) — As part of Bloomberg’s “The Real Brazil” special series, Trish Regan investigates Brazil’s immense oil reserves, and explains how General Electric is developing new technology in an attempt to extract it from beneath the ocean floor. (Source: Bloomberg)

    Does McKibben and Hansen know about this? They and their pals need to start protesting at GE, asap. WHY would Obama’s buddy, GE, not want to keep this in the ground and save the world? TSK. They act like the whole AGW thing is just a fad or something, maybe even a joke.

    • jeffk says:

      Actually oil drilling might help the oceans leak seawater into the Earth’s crust. The crust has cracks and nobody knows how much seawater is leaking into it.

    • Andy Oz says:

      McKibben is here in Australia right now spruiking his false prophet Warmist Theology to anyone that’s brain-function challenged and who’ll listen for more than 30 seconds. The warm-earth believers, especially the Greenie and ALP pollies, seem to fit that bill. In the meantime, we are three months from political armageddon for both those parties and the same from punting that stupid Carbon Tax into touch (a rugby term for kicking it to hell and gone).

      I am shocked about GE though. Developing fossil fuel technologies when they’ve been advertising their green credentials for years? They must have some financial gaps to fill what with all those windmill sales plummeting. They wouldn’t stick that one on the GE website under “latest news”!

  4. Betapug says:

    US Congressman Hank Johnson’s fear that an overloaded island would capsize was correct!!

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