If They Can Stop Just One Terrorist Attack, It Is Worth It

ScreenHunter_09 Jun. 19 20.28

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to If They Can Stop Just One Terrorist Attack, It Is Worth It

  1. Gamecock says:

    Americans seem to be okay with giving up their 4th Amendment rights, as long the government catches a terrorist. Tracking their phone calls, emails, and internet accesses is okay with them. They don’t seem to realize that it is the same as reading their mail. Would they allow the government to read all their mail if they thought it might catch a terrorist?

  2. gator69 says:

    We could also wrap everyone in bubble wrap, Kevlar and duct tape. Just leave airholes, a feeding tube, and an ‘exit’.

  3. Mike says:

    Reblogged this on makeaneffort and commented:
    I’ve always had a soft spot for Stormtroopers… Good Guys Wear White right?

  4. thirdnews says:

    “Americans seem to be okay with giving up their 4th Amendment rights” I’d be willing to bet you anything that most Americans couldn’t tell you what rights are included in the Fourth, let alone The Bill Of Rights period.

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