Life In Biblical Times

Gore saw how great the hanging chad  wickedness had become and decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. However, one righteous man among all the people of that time, Obama, found favor in Gore’s eyes. With very specific instructions, Gore told Obama to build a carbon tax for him and his family in preparation for a catastrophic flood that would destroy every living thing on earth.

Gore also instructed Obama to tax each  pair of all living creatures, both male and female, and seven pairs of all the clean animals, along with every kind of food to be stored for the animals and his family while on the golf course. Obama obeyed everything Gore commanded him to do.

Gore’s purpose in the tax was not to destroy people, but to accumulate at least $1 billion in personal wealth.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Life In Biblical Times

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I thought you said you weren’t religious. Hey, maybe Algore will use some of his Al Jazeera money to save the world from the true threat–fat-assed women (and men who act like them) who don’t know when to shut up, and then throw up every time they open their mouths. Just a thought.

  2. gator69 says:

    My college buddies and I wore out our copies of the Holy Grail and Meaning of Life, and this was our favorite gross out scene.

    Maybe Chris Christie can be in the remake!

    ‘And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint.’ 😆

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