Manchin Calls Obama A Flat Earther


About Tony Heller

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16 Responses to Manchin Calls Obama A Flat Earther

  1. Reblogged this on My New Politics and commented:
    Are the rats jumping ship? The senator is right, except for the climate change stuff.

  2. miked1947 says:

    He is! He is also a card carrying member of the Chicken Little Brigade!

  3. Brian G Valentine says:

    List 3 things he could do to be a worse president:

  4. geologyJim says:

    Well, bless his heart, Manchin DID manage to get in the “flat-earther” assessment of Obama

    But then he blows it by buying in to the “aren’t you concerned about climate change?” meme.

    His answer should be “Climate always changes. The president is imagining bogeymen that don’t exist, problems that are not supported by data, calamities that are not happening”.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      His answer should have been, nobody is going to buy into this pile of shit “science” for any reason, least of all to trash the economy.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Exactly Jim, or better, Brian, that’s what his answer should have been. But Manchin’s actually perhaps not the brightest of bulbs, considering what he’s said about global warming in the past.

      And Manchin really kowtows to or is pushed around by Reid.

      I’ve got the greatest respect for the people of West Virginia, so I really wish Manchin would stand up more forcefully to Obama. Switching parties would be a good start!

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    And ridicule the Republican climate change pushers!
    Interesting that this is a Dem that voted for Obamacare and supported O in virtually everything, including global warming climate change. Another thing, though, is that one of the critically important tasks we have now is to employ Alinsky tactics in rightfully ridiculing the REPUBLICANS that want to take a prissy walk and stand with the Democrats on climate change. Take the Republican op-ed writer Michael Gerson. He’s repeatedly taken the leftist line on climate change, and now hotair notes that MIchael Gerson has just called for “national service” (which was Obama’s position in 2008). As no one else seemed to be mentioning that Gerson is in bed with Christie on climate change, my comment:

    It’s a nutty idea by the climate change pushing “conservative” Michael Gerson. Why doesn’t he join Chris Christie and come up with more nutty ideas that O has already had?

  6. Andy DC says:

    I wonder what kind of grades Obama got in science. He wouldn’t know science if it jumped up and bit him on the butt.

  7. BrianL says:

    Brett Bair from Fox is just spreading the meme of the hottest decade; the 97% consensus, without challenge. Everywhere you turn it’s climate change even from supposed fair media outlets.

    We’re definitely in trouble folks.

  8. omanuel says:

    Yes, Obama is a loser bit do are most members of Comgress.

    Most of them have absolutely no idea how far removed leaders and science advisors are from reality.

    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  9. Eric Simpson says:

    The Tea Party News Network did a piece on this titled BRUTAL! Democrat Senator Shreds Obama’s Global Warming Speech: ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Flat Earth.’ A good comment (DiamondStrike):

    Senator, you sold your soul and your constituents to the Democrats for a few pieces of silver. Your state is about to be decimated, it’s jobs destroyed, its citizens placed into squalor. You vote for amnesty for illegal aliens. And this is the best that you can come up with? You should be changing parties and demanding Obama be impeached. Sad Senator, sad.

    Another comment (Soonershooter):

    This is from half of the gun grabbing duo, eat crow and get that solar roof you always wanted.

    • Gamecock says:

      “Senator, you sold your soul and your constituents to the Democrats for a few pieces of silver. Your state is about to be decimated, it’s jobs destroyed, its citizens placed into squalor. You vote for amnesty for illegal aliens. And this is the best that you can come up with? You should be changing parties and demanding Obama be impeached. Sad Senator, sad.”

      True. But sadder still is that my relatives in WV voted him in in the first place. Manchin is just a symptom of the disease that infects the hearts of Americans.

  10. intrepid_wanders says:

    And the rudest awakening, the Flat Earthers fall in line…

    “I accept that climate change is a process which has been ongoing since beginning of detectable history, but there seems to be a definite correlation between the recent increase in world-wide temperatures and man’s entry into the industrial age,” he said. “If it’s a coincidence, it’s quite a remarkable one. We may have experienced a temperature increase even without our use of fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution, but I doubt it would be as dramatic as what we’re seeing now.”

    -FES president Daniel Shenton

    Any that are “twitter-able” that get that “No time for Flat-Earthers…”, I am sure this will cause some excitement.

  11. QV says:

    There it is again, the “97% of scientists” claim made again, by people who haven’t even bothered to check if it is correct or how it was arrived at.
    That has been the most successful piece of pro-“climate change” propaganda for years.

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