“Melting ice has opened up the Northern Sea Route along Russia’s Arctic coastline”

23 June 2013

Melting ice has opened up the Northern Sea Route along Russia’s Arctic coastline, changing international trade patterns in profound ways — even if so far it looks more like a sleepy county road than a busy, four-lane highway.

In a change of potentially revolutionary significance, the travel time between the Japanese port of Yokohama and Hamburg in Germany has been cut by 40 percent, while fuel expenditure is down by 20 percent.

Melting ice pulls Norway closer to Asia

Just one minor problem. The entire Russian coastline is blocked with ice.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to “Melting ice has opened up the Northern Sea Route along Russia’s Arctic coastline”

  1. Andy Oz says:

    I got travel insurance in case they cancel this years cruise.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    They must have meant the other Russian Coastline…. the one that’s open…. in some other dimension.

  3. miked1947 says:

    The Russians have a fleet of ice breakers just to keep it open. Of course it is fun to watch when they get stuck or can only make 2 km a day.

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