Metrics For Evaluating The Success Of Obamaclimate

Temperatures haven’t risen for 17 years, so it will be difficult to evaluate the success of Obamaclimate in quantitative terms.

Perhaps we can model the missing heat four years from now, and compare it against today’s missing heat.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Metrics For Evaluating The Success Of Obamaclimate

  1. Andy Oz says:

    We can model the growing ice extent and compare it against todays growing ice extent ….
    Oooo…I think I just committed first grade climate heresy and will burn in CO2 hell. LOL

  2. Andy DC says:

    The lack of climate change is “worse” than we first thought.

  3. Steve Keohane says:

    All we have to do is make the missing heat disappear, oh wait, can we make it disappear before we find it?

    • terrence says:

      Well yes, we can make the missing heat disappear before we find.

      All we have to do is say, “abracadabra, presto change-o, make it SO!” This is guaranteed to make the missing heat disappear.

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