Global warming refuges in the 50 states
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- conrad ziefle on Illinois 1953 Vs. 2024
- Timo, not that one! on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
- arn on Data Made Simple – Cold January
- Alastair on Corals To Disappear Soon
- conrad ziefle on Data Made Simple – Cold January
- conrad ziefle on Illinois 1953 Vs. 2024
- conrad ziefle on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
- Francis Barnett on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
- dearieme on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
- Margaret Smith on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
At least a lot of blue states will lose electoral votes, so it isn’t all bad!
While the land volume calculation is fascinating, the link to rising sea levels is moronic. The states in the center of the continent (e.g. my state IL) will not shrink due to rising sea levels. The Chicago area is about 600 feet above sea level.
Chicago is going to be part of the Gulf of Mexico! Any day now, Just you wait and see. Anything less that 1000 feet will be under water! Big Al told me so! 😉 😉
Does that mean I will be at risk for getting hit with hurricanes?
One is coming your way tomorrow! 😉
Tornadoes are the only natural weather disaster that can hit me, and I have no basement.
Interestingly, we did have record rainfall for a 24 hr period (approx. 9 inches) due to the remnants of Hurricane Ike in 2008.
According to NOAA’s “NEW” and “Improved” desigations the cloud moving your way is now a Hurricane! Tornadoes are the old designation and any wind over 20MPH is a cat 5 hurricane, any where! Big Al and his buddy Jim told me so! They would not lie, would they?
So, are they now naming T-storms?
No more thunder storms. Those were before CAGW changed the climate. Lightening is a sure sign that you have been hit by a Hurricane. Any and all weather events, besides a sunny day, is called a Hurricane. A sunny day is called a drought. It is due to “Weather Weidering”. Ask Katherine!
There’s that “going to” phrase again.
Someday…. Maybe.
You know what else is possibly ‘going to’ happen?
Monkeys flying straight out my ass.
While we wait, I’ll be covering all bets on when someday is going to happen.
My money is on monkeys being better climatologists.
I’ll cover all bets on the monkeys too.
I want to fade any part of those anus dwelling monkeys you can’t cover. Now come on Big Al and roll those bones. Poppa needs a new jet plane. :<)
Flat out bullshit.
To think that in the 40 or so years that the fear mongering Chicken Littles been crowing about rising sea levels, and despite supposed massive polar and glacial ice melt, we’ve seen NO sea level rise. NONE. Not 100 inches, but none. Now there saying in the next 40 years or whatever where going to see such massive rise that Colorado is the only remaining state above water. Right, in 40 years that sea is going to be exactly where it is now, and the $20 million Malibu mansions are going to be sitting pretty just where they are now, just exactly like they were 40 years ago.
That guy at MIT is wasting his life on nonsense.