More Heartbreak For Alarmists

If record cold in the Arctic and a record slow fire season isn’t bad enough, now we have an early monsoon season firing up in the southwest.

ScreenHunter_360 Jun. 27 01.08

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to More Heartbreak For Alarmists

  1. tckev says:

    Oh no it’s angry weather!

  2. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Ain’t that a bitch? Another season of reality that the left-wing weather idiots will do they’re damnest to use to keep Americans in fear. Nebuchadnezzar burned down the houses of the false prophets, after cutting their heads off and shitting in their necks. As a Christian, I would never resort to such things, because “Thou shalt not kill.” He didn’t say, however, “Thou shalt not embarrass assholes.”

  3. gofer says:

    Remember they said droughts and floods.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Alarmists already knew this would happen.

  5. Jimbo says:

    Global cooling causes more extreme weather. Yet today we are told the opposite. I sometimes don’t know ‘weather’ to laugh or cry.

    In an interview with Science News in 1975, C C Wallen, Head of the Special Environmental Applications Division of the World Meteorological Organization, had this to say about the consequences of the cooling trend since 1940:-

    The principal weather change likely to accompany the cooling trend is increased variability-alternating extremes of temperature and precipitation in any given area-which would almost certainly lower average crop yields……….

  6. Liberal warmists are using the MadLibs approach to science. All they have to do is fill in the blank with their claim of the day

  7. gator69 says:

    I remember the days when weather was perfect everywhere. Then republican flat earth deniers started burning polar bears, or something…

  8. phodges says:

    More Heartbreak For Alarmists

    Nothing a crafty algorithm can’t fix.

    And whatever happens, they will blame it on global warming and people will believe.

  9. Dave says:

    Early monsoon season? Its 103 in Albuquerque and bone dry. The average for todays date is 92.

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