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Wow! Equally brilliant in science and economics.
Bestest POTUS ehah!
With the most anti-science followers ever.
Coldest spring in…………..a very long time. Fierce tornados are a result of cold air masses meeting warm air masses. Sounds like these tornados are a result of the cold spring we’ve been having.
@SMS: Roy W Spencer would agree with you:
SG keep a REAL close look at this (maybe a separate posting)
They haven’t processed further for some days as I anticipated a few days ago.
Its not going their way that’s all I can say it happens every time ice goes up like this. Expect a major downward adjustments in coming days. The team cannot accept this data!
Inconvenient truth!
“Coastal Masking” seems to be the latest excuse to make a big adjustment. Are there superheroes running around the Arctic or is it just one big cheat again?
Liberals are INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-Yr-Old Suspended From School For Merely TALKING About Guns
That is nuts! When I was a lad, boys brought cap guns to school.
Cap guns nothing! When I was a coach in an elementary school in Eastern Pennsylvania in the 1990’s, students used to bring hunting rifles to school for the first day of hunting season.
You probably pretended you were a cowboy and shot pretend indians. That would surely get you up before a local tribunal somewhere for breaching an Incitement to ethnic or racial violence. 😉
Steve, I can’t believe the CIA haven’t been to your house yet. How dare you question Hopey Changey!
I love the Grover Cleveland comparison. Not only was Cleveland a Democrat, but during the Civil War, with the decree of all able bodied men of the Union to serve in the Army, old Grover took advantage of a loophole that permitted hiring a substitute to serve in the Army for you. Grover chose George Benninsky, a thirty two year old Polish immigrant to serve on his behalf, paying him 150.00. Seems letting others take the fall for your deeds and responsibilities is still a prerequisite for becoming a Democrat.
Stunning isn’t it? ( NOTE: see this post for more details about that first draft. )
Grover was by my reckoning one of the first modern liars in that office. His crime against the founding principles was hiding his Cancer surgery because they felt it might cause another giant stock market collapse. This precedent, although unknown to the public for many years, was well known to succeeding Presidents who often use precedents to justify their own actions.
Consequently, the very next (D) in that office was Wilson who duplicated the Cleveland tactic when he had his massive stroke and it left his unelected wife as acting President for part of his second term.
The very next (D) was FDR who expanded this in a huge way by literally stopping any photos from being taken from him exposing his actual status as a crippled man, which stepped all over other gravely important Constitutional issues. Two more (D)’s later we have JFK, who saw these earlier lapses in Presidential honesty and drove a truck through them by hiding his life-threatening illness(es). One can easily argue that the world was placed at risk by him after his disastrous meeting with Khrushchev. Between that meeting and the Bay Of Pigs it convinced the Khrushchev that he was dealing with such a sickly little twerp of a man that it emboldened aggressive Soviet expansionism, even into Cuba with nukes.
Cleveland – Wilson – FDR – JFK. This is a crystal clear evolution of selfish precedents by narcissistic Presidents. And it is the main reason that all precedents must be nipped in the bud. Even though they seem tiny, they never are.
BTW, JoNova has posted and article saying these tweets are not from Obama, they are from an activist group called Organizing For ACtion, OFA.
Douglas Shulman’s wife, Susan Anderson, worked for OFA. Apparently she recruited and ‘trained’ OWS volunteers.
It’s like the Walton’s, except all communisty and evil.