“The Arctic is critical to understanding global climate,” he said. “Climate change is already happening in the Arctic, faster than its ecosystems can adapt. Looking at the Arctic is like looking at the canary in the coal mine for the entire Earth system.”
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97% of canaries want out of the mine.
The Arctic is not the canary in the coal mine. 🙂
Or I should have said the Arctic is not the only canary in the coal mine.
I’m voting for the pikas.
Are these carbon smudged canaries ALL trying to get on the federal government pay roll?
Will the real canary in the coal mine please stand up?
The upper to middle troposphere and the Arctic/Antarctic are where the globe should be warming the fastest due to the low water vapor content. These are the real “canaries”. Problem is; the canary is doing just fine and the warmists are beside themselves. They will take any sign that the Arctic is melting as proof of AGW. If ice extent and thickness were at all time highs and they found that the temperature was above normal just one second in one day during the winter; this would be the sign they were looking for. They will grasp at anything and claim it’s AGW. And the media will jump on the shark to blindly support the message.
😆 Nice list
So many canaries living in coal mines. Who knew. If we shut down coal mines where will the canaries live?
How, exactly, is it even possible for anything so horrendous to happen (other than the planet’s host star exploding, massive meteor impact, etc.) “faster than the ecosystem can adapt”? If something happens to an ecosystem, other than being completely vaporized, there will always be organisms, both flora and fauna, that will take advantage of the situation and become, as Obongo’s minions are so fond of saying, “The New Normal”.
Someone should ask these morons if, by “faster than the ecosystem can adapt”, they mean “the fur seals can’t cope with the poley bear population explosion”.