NCDC Fraud Smoking Gun

June 1913 was blistering hot in the US

ScreenHunter_12 Jun. 17 18.36ScreenHunter_14 Jun. 17 18.36


NCDC reports that June, 1913 was below normal in the US – and the 45th coldest on record. They subtract a couple of degrees from measured 1913 temperatures before they report them.

Climate at a Glance | Time Series

ScreenHunter_102 May. 10 14.57

The world’s hottest temperature (134F) also occurred in 1913 – at Greenland Ranch, CA.

NCDC understands that with Obama in the White House, they can do anything they want to push the global warming scam. No lie is too big any more.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to NCDC Fraud Smoking Gun

  1. If you have to adjust part of a data set by 2C when you’re trying to measure a trend in a fraction of a C then you should report nothing, because your data set is garbage.

  2. tckev says:

    That’s just another one of those fake newspaper cutting that the Koch guys and Big Oil pay you to put up. Everyone knows that a fine upstanding government agency like NCDC, that is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation’s treasured records of weather and climate, would never commit fraud, would they?
    Next you’ll be saying that other government agencies lie to the public, as if they would.

    /sarc-o-meter running at max.

  3. Lefty Mongtard says:

    Sarcasm? What is that?

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    But seriously Steve, what does Julienne and/or Walt say about this? They seem reasonable enough. Don’t they have concerns about this?

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    Cut out the Freon and cut off cheap electricity for A/C so more people will die.

    EPA = eugenics experiment

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    Interesting that the world record high temp was 134° set in 1913, If we’d really been in a period of runaway warming like Mann’s hockey stick, that record would have been broken many times. It hasn’t. The hockey stick is bs. The warmist “data” is bs.

  7. talldave2 says:

    Great find!

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